I am curious as well as to why you want to buy corporations. Also i am wondering why nobody has asked what you are paying for a corp ?
I am curious as well as to why you want to buy corporations. Also i am wondering why nobody has asked what you are paying for a corp ?
The only way I would consider such a venture, would be face to face. I would want to know where and who, I am dealing with on a personal basis. That way, if I get ripped off, they look pretty funny walking around with my shoe up their ass.
Otherwise… have fun!
Oh my goodness sakes I see vultures circling. Is it just me?
About the only tangible things you would get by doing such a thing are A: the corp name and B: any corp standings.
If you truly care about A, then try some 13375p34k alternative that you can stomach.
For B, just pay to get your standings boosted by USIA.
I really can’t see what you hope to gain by ‘buying’ a corp. Members can just leave at will.
He probably wants the citadels. Which is one of those “yeah that’s just going to go wrong” things.
Usia cant help with corp standings directly. Corp standings are averaged by all corp members
Members might be looking for new digs already, since the current owner wants to bail. They have no idea what the new owner might impose upon them. Is this even a legit transfer to do according to the EULA? For example; I know we can trade characters with cash payment to CCP in the character bazaar for ISK. However this is ripe for being scammed. There is an old saying;
“If you can’t spot the sucker at the card table, you’re the sucker.”
Trade safe o7
As already discussed above, a corp in EVE is not an asset that you can buy and own. You only “actually own” it by mutual agreement of the members of the corp. So usually the CEO is appointed by the members, which are either friends or came together to realize a certain goal or were recruited into an established structure.
Members of the corp are no assets of the corp. They have free will. No one is forced to stay in a corp where the CEO does stupid things, “bought the corp” and whatnot.
If you would want to name a price here, it would be ridiculed as it just makes no sense. And if the price would be at a certain height, then you could guess on your own what would happen: a corp would be “sold” to him. The next day the members would leave and regroup with their CEO in a new corp and divide the earned isk.
A corp is just an “envelope” for a common interest or to get access to useful mechanics or structures for a group of pilots. Nothing that you can’t move over to a new corp in no time.
What do you mean by specific ? I may be willing to sell my corp if price is right
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