Safest methods to buy a corporation


I’m looking to purchase a specific corporation. What would the best safest methods to creatively use the game mechanics to make the purchase risk-free for both parties?

This is an inherently bad idea unless you use a middle man, and you also get all the corp’s shares.

And given your… visible history I’d say it’s going to go wrong and you’ll be played, probably.

How do I find trusted middlemen in this forum?

If you have to ask, this probably isn’t a good idea. Not saying it couldn’t work, just that there are so many scammers in this game…

I’ll only be doing amounts I can afford to lose.

I’m not in the loop on such services these days, beyond that there is really only one: he who shall not be named (and I doubt he’s even active these days and would be interested in this). And even those you can’t really trust with real valuables, there’s an old story about a State Raven.

Check here perhaps: Services - EVE Online Forums

But again, this is probably just a bad idea and I’d suggest to not do it.

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May i ask what is the reasoning behind “buying” a corporation, when you can set up as many as you like?

A specific name? A certain reputation?
If at all those things will only matter to you…and will only have a value to you. Only sentimental value.

And if you have no connection to the former corp you could just choose a similar name.

One advantage being that the corp is already setup and has members working

  • why would those stick around of the corp got sold and got new management?
  • who says they’re actual & active pilots, not just a bunch of alts who haven’t logged in in ages
  • what is the chance that a (high sec) industry corp is full of null alts from a specific group there, and they all just go “lol” and leave after you bought it

Again, it seems a really bad idea and given your visible history of questionable ideas in terms of not suspecting/expecting various forms of pvp it’s just going to go wrong. But you do you.

What do you mean by this though? This is my first post here.

We can see your corp history and from that we can see all recorded kills and losses, it’s also fairly easy to spot alts like that and we can check their kills&losses as well.

A couple of days ago you lost a Loki to Concord which is already quite the feat and you seem to have a habit of losing ships to Concord, and not in the ganking kind of way. Then you try to use a kiting Brutix with 250s but you use it plated with full tank, no mag stabs nor nanos. And you use it in… Kubinen. Your alt gate jumped an Anshar into Ahbazon and, quite predictably, lost it.

Understand I’m not trolling you or laughing or anything. I’m simply pointing out that you’re probably not really up to speed when it comes to pvp related stuff, which means you’re going to be taken advantage of… probably.


No offense but what does this have to do with corporate mechanics and in-game workarounds?

There are a lot of things you need to learn in EVE, especially when it comes to competition with other players and it’s completely fine to make mistakes, they’re a learning moment. But understand that PVP in EVE has many facets and what I did in like 60 seconds others (can) do as well, they see your history and go “lol we can play this dude”.

You’re going to get played… probably.


To take some of the burden off Aisha, it shows that you appear to be making less-than-fully-informed decisions with your ship fittings and activities. You’re dying in ships and ways that say “inexperienced player”.

This is perfectly fine and as long as you’re having fun and enjoying the game, all is good. However it puts up a red flag (as did your OP here) that you’re in danger of falling victim to an unwise situation.

If someone is trying to sell you “a good corp”, just substitute the words “a good corp” with “the Brooklyn Bridge” and you’ll see what Aisha is getting at.


Hue, just ignore the trolls.

They are salty cuz they want your corporation.


Maybe you should play a little longer to get a feeling for this mechanic. I really had to laugh hard when i read your comment, no offence.

So what you need to get is that a corp is usually built by a group of friends or by people who got together by a common interest started by a certain member having the role as CEO.
It is not the same as in the real world, where you can buy a company and just continue.

None of the members will stay when you buy the corp. It just won’t work like that.

If you want to be CEO of a corp, you have to start one on your own and find yourself members. Or join a corp and work your way up to director and take the place one day as agreemeent between the members when the old CEO is about to leave the game or whatever and you have made a reputation and friends in the corp.


As others have said here, what you’re looking to do is a bad idea. However, if you’re set on doing it, I’d be willing to broker the deal for a sizeable fee. If you’re interested, send me an evemail and we can discuss terms and procedures.

@Imiarr_Timshae is my trusted 3rd party. I’ve used his services before, and intend to do so in the future.

His thread is here:

But, if you are serious about trying to buy a corp with an active membership, I’m going to parrot the others posting before me.

This is a bad idea.

Even, if no one “takes advantage”, who knows whether or not you’ll actually like any of the pilots in the corp. You could pay out isk to be surrounded by pilots you hate.


Hey Hue Lac Aulmais,

this is a terrible idea. It will cost you every last ISK you have and leave you with nothing but ruins at the end of it.

HOWEVER, if that is exactly what you’re going for, then I am your man, haha! Just send the ISK directly to me, I’ll manage the rest for you.

With cooperative regards
-James Fuchs

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You should think about this:

Why not join a corp and just work up the ranks… without spending ISK you can easily get a leadership position and do whatever you want to do with this corp…

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