Sale Cancelled. All isk Returned to Buyers

Sale Cancelled. All isk Returned to Buyers

Confirm for sale

Confirm For Sale

Confirm for sale

Confirm for sale

Thanatos Alt 14 mil

How much?


23 bil on diego salaz

10.5 bil b/o for Jo Salas.

Accepted for both. Go ahead and send isk and account info to the respective characters. I can transfer right away.

6 bil for t salas

7 and you have a deal

6,5? bil

would you pm me ingame

You are not in NPC corp yet.

@Temp_Kashuken Done.

Isk and account info sent

Received. Sending now.

could you meet me half way …6.5 bil?

Yeah go ahead. 6.5 bil it is