Sale Cancelled

Sale Cancelled

I am for sale

I am for sale

I am for sale

I am for sale

I am for sale

How much for all as a b/o now isk rdy

300 Billion


I know you’re looking for more but this is the best I can offer right now and it may get the ball rolling atleast, 50 bil for Estela

Bids start at 50 bil and I’ll consider it

I don’t expect to win but your toons are great and needed some love, is the best offer I can give, wish I could go higher.

Toons still up for sale!

Estela Mongaguarda 51B

52 Bil for Estela

If there is no further bids in 24 hours on Estela I’ll accept the 52 billion bid

I’ll adjust my bid to 52.5 for Lela instead of Estela, if you’d be willing to accept it in 24 hours (assuming no one bids higher.)

Sounds good

Offer retracted sorry, found another toon

All toons still for sale