Salvager Drones' bonus to Noctis

FFS I know those already and I already took that information into account.
Please READ what I wrote before you try to answer it.

So far this is not a problem.

Unless the drones are salvaging near INSTANTLY, like you WROTE, then they will always be worse, as they have a delay in almost everything they do, because they are drones.


No they won’t always be worse.

Just give the noctis salvage drone range, if they can salvage from 20kms away it will be much faster.

I think, you two should put your money where your mouth is, and do a real study. With Excel spreadsheets and charts and all that good stuff and use some good old fashion empirical hard evidence to support your claims, instead of getting into the internet equivalence of game of happy slaps.

Let the best data win!

Though, I seriously doubt either of you two would actually do this.

In that case…
Keep on slapping each other.


Tractors drag in wrecks to 0km and salvagers have a 6km range.

4 tractors can drag in 4 wrecks while 4 salvagers finish them off. Salvage drones simply aren’t needed on a Noctis. (my setup but you can use any combination)

Are these ideas coming from players who have never used a Noctis?


I recall CCP stating initially why they never made T2 salvage drones or the T1s better because they didnt want them as efficient as doing it yourself with the salvager mods

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Nothing wrong with the Noctis. You just don’t know how to use it. Your lack of knowledge is nothing CCP is responsible to fix. That’s all on you.

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Please, Enlighten us, the master of Noctis

So you didn’t ready any of the thread above where almost everyone told you how?

Attempting to fix your ignorance when you’re not willing to accept the simple fact that you’re wrong seems like an exercise in futility.

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