Allow me to further deepen your suspicions about me and my motives.
This comment is representative of yet another plague infesting EvE. This time the plague is that “everyone” in the game wants the same things from time spent that you do, a line from a 70’s song seems appropriate here “different strokes for different folks”. You may consider it a waste of time to loot / salvage missions, others like Kathern Aurilen and I find it restful and rewarding to loot / salvaging missions and we do not consider it a “waste” of time. There are as many “fun” ways to play EvE as there are people who play the game and no ones way of playing is more or less “fun” than anyone else’s.
No we do not agree, in fact we are at opposite ends of the spectrum on this.
You look at this from the min / max plague aspect and say the best fits are already known so no need to experiment.
I look at this and see that there is fun and enjoyment to be had simply in the act of experimenting with different fits, tactics and strategies. But then that seems to fit with our basic desires for the game of EvE. You want to make as much ISK as you can as fast as you can. On the other hand ISK is not now and NEVER has been a concern, I can simply buy plex from CCP and sell them for ISK if needed so EvE is all about having fun free of any concerns about how much or how little ISK I make.
That’s roleplay. I said several times roleplay and OCD are fine reasons to salvage pointless loot.
That’s fine but he asked for advice regarding the worth of salvage and he didn’t mention anywhere in the OP or afterward that he was only salvaging for fun.
I actually fly experimental fits all the time, just not in missions where the best fit is already known. Actually to be honest missions are boring grind fests so I haven’t done one in years.
I think you’re deeper into the spectrum than me.
Basically the context of the OP was financial. He was not asking if the bosses are more fun to loot, he asked if they paid out better. I merely expanded on the answer i gave which is fine considering the directly income based context of the question. If you want to wave your finger about fun per hour go for it, the rest of us will keep discussing reality in your absence.
For the record I find min / maxing boring, but that doesn’t mean i’m going to advise new players to “practice looting early so you can handle it later” because that is total rubbish.
I don’t see loot as pointless junk. I dump the stuff that I don’t plan on using on the pennies on the dollar sell orders. I keep the ammo(few isk saved there).
I have recently started salvage for future rig manufacturing. And I haven’t sold none of minerals i been mining in 6 months.
The only cash flow coming in is from a killing rats while I mine or running the high sec combat sites and dumping the junk.
I plan on having a stock pile of materials when it’s worthwhile subbing. Building as an alpha just isn’t worth it to me.
Thanks for the input guys, i freed up a little cpu and started using a salvager 1 on my corm, only targetting things that werent “small wreck” some of the level 2 missions have things like “medium industrial” or something similar that dropped some 300k 400k salvage so kinda worth having a salvager in a spare slot on destroyers.
Purely in the context of the better options available for your time ISK wise do I see it as pointless. As has been hashed out if the actual act of salvaging is your bag knock yourself out.
It’s my opinion that the best EvE experiences are to be discovered outside of the standard Mission Runner / Miner / Manufacturer / Trader job roles the vast majority end up doing forever. EvE, being a sandbox with a lot of history offers some of the most in depth alternative gameplay available in any game, more centered around players and their interactions than what CCP provide in terms of PvE. To this end I tend to assume people do these things (Mission / Mine / Manufacture etc) as a means to an end, to obtain ISK with which to chase the real goals.
I’m not necessarily advocating a life of min / maxing but a little bit in the right place is well worth it.
That’s absolutely fine. It’s were the person wants to spend their time. If I was jumping from system to system looking for sites, I wouldn’t bother salvaging. But if I’m sitting in my home system with my gear handy, I don’t mind switching ships for clean up after all the local sites are ran.
If the sites are occupied, I still bookmark them and come back in a half hour to see what’s left.
And here I am without my popcorn
It mainly depends on what the wreck type is.
Often they are just named NPCs and not really bosses. A lot of the mission “bosses” have mission generic wrecks that will typically salvage for metal scraps and are in general pretty worthless. Some of them might have good loot though, Zor is a good one for looting for example, and a few of the storyline missions have a named NPC that can drop decent loot. A lot of the generic ones will have the mission generic wreck type, some are faction and will have a normal faction wreck.
However if it is a commander wreck there is a decent chance at some shiny loot and some t2 salvage. You will likely see a name that starts with Dread guristas, True Sansha, Dark Blood, Shadow Serpentis, or Domination.
I suggest putting type on your overview so you can see the differences.
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