I figured having the normal despawn rate would be fine, this way the extra time doesn’t cause any problems for the servers, it also creates a sense of urgency for salvagers knowing they’ve found some wrecks and time is of the essence.
if the normal time is 3 hours, you could still split it 50/50 with 1h 30m before auto abandon and 1h 30m before despawn.
probably, I just like the idea of salvagers having to rush around and get it while its good. ever been in a location salvaging where the wrecks are despawning, man, its soul crushing.
actually what would genuine be a good idea, is if salvagers had some kind of command burst which meant wrecks didn’t despawn, this way they could soak up all thats on grid.
I always felt they just should not despawn if a ship is on grid with them.
Reasons can be contrived, just like every other thing in EVE.
I mean you can just as easily ask the question why in the world are wrecks white, blue and yellow in the first place? How does that mechanic even work? Some nanobots flying around marking wrecks and cans as yours or not yours? Ships blow up but a transponder always remains functional…yet that can’t be probed down? What the hell?
We could say that whatever is identifying that wreck is damaged, destroyed, batteries ran out or whatever after a certain time. And we could say that same thing is what made the wreck unprobe-able in the first place and is now gone, so they can be probed.
Or we could say that whatever the in game legal mechanics are, wrecks are simply unprobe-able to avoid people probing down wrecks and stealing from them. And now the law changes so that ownership is lost after a time of not being on grid with it, and now anyone can probe it down.
Its a good idea. Salvaging and looting is something I think people would like to do more so long as it was a bit more practical. This is a good idea here.