It’s a shared instance, but it’s an instance none the less, just as abyssal space is a shared instance with those that go in as a group. wormholes, also shared instances.
The difference is the size of the shared size even some wormholes limit masses or jumps, doors close behind too.
I am not countering him. I believe he can’t even have a discussion about what an instance is (actually because he does not know and does not want to know what this means)
instances have nothing to do with singleton.
an example or single occurrence of something.
For example, this post is an instance of the notion of “post”, and when I say something stupid, it’s an instance of the notion “stupid post”.
So each system in Eve is an instance of the notion of “solar system”. The model “solar system” has an id number, so each “solar system” from eve has an effective number for its id. For example, Jita is an instance of solar system, with id 30000142. Also, tranquility and singularity are two instances of eve connection server.
What’s more, each item is either an instance of an item , or an instance of a stack of items. When you build a ship, you actually build one instance of a stack of ship that contains one ship. When you unpackage it it becomes an instance of the ship.
But since that makes no sense in the discussion, I added that he rather was referring to the notion of “dedicated instance” where each instance of an area is dedicated to a small group of player and not accessible to other players.
i was asking about salvage , a perfect respectful hobby , not about some dishonorable activity , don’t understand the rage
im Brazilian , if they asked me , you are super good looking and sexy are you Brazilian ?..i would say
oh its in your eyes , I’m not that good looking but yes I’m Brazilian
I’m pretty sure @Zoiie and @Anderson_Geten are smart enough to know what he meant. So perhaps the focus can be on his unambiguous meaning (especially since there are multiple contexts in which the term “instance” is both appropriate and applicable) rather than whether or not he was conforming to proper linguistic usage of terminology
Anderson is. It is a troll that treats forum discussions as some kind of e-sport, nitpicking at a minor detail or potential alternate definition of a word and then smugly declaring victory while ignoring the substance of the post. I strongly suggest not wasting your time on it, just let it yell its meaningless words into the void until it gets bored enough to leave.
If anything the noctis should be a huge enabler with your logic. So many null sites have their wrecks abandoned. Saavy Noctics pilots could feed all day on the wrecks of the ratters.
Except they dont.
Maybe instead of clicking 5000 containers and calling that content we could envision something a little more inspiring than suggesting that click fest was some how a profession.
I was an established salvager before MTUs were a thing and they hit my business hard. But, true to the way of New Eden, I adapted to change. I started to hunt these awful devices that stole my livelihood and soon began to realise that they presented more fun, profit and interesting encounters than before.
Old doors close, new doors open. Those with the eye for it will make good on the opportunity. Those who don’t will probably grumble on the forums.
No it’s not. The argument is about MTU, not salvaging - more precisely about the activity of “human MTU” and against the claim that this activity was an healthy one for the game.
The argument is that an activity that only requires you to spam click on 50 cans to tractor them, and without any risk of loss, is better done by a bot than a player, and thus should not be encouraged.
I however agree that MTUs made the noctis much less interesting. But claiming that MTU removed an interesting activity is just as accurate as saying that 0.01 iskers were an interesting activity.
So this is an indisputable benefit of deployables in general, sure, but in this case I’m inclined to believe that collective disadvantages from the loss of a profession, the negative impact on the economy MTUs have had, and the reduction of collaborative gameplay since MTUs have replaced the Noctis in most instances outweight the benefits from the “new door opened” of MTU hunting.
I should also point out that MTU hunting is rather carebearish, and changes made to the game that eliminate carebear activities and/or incentivize/gravitate carebears toward higher end content is generally a good thing.
(It’s not as if there aren’t other deployables to bash. There might even be new deployables introduced to the future that do not eliminate collaborative gameplay or careers.)
This is pretty heavy handed stuff. So i know it ain’t going to happen, but yeah i agree on all points except for 7. Where i’m neither qualified nor opinionated enough to say one way or the other.
Even though i think abyss instances are the best way to do group content. They aren’t good for the single shard and are farmed to ■■■■ like anything else.
The MTU is a prime example of how making something quicker and easier devalues a profession. This applies for orcas too.
Definitely reverse ECM changes and I’d like blackout back too.