SCAM ALERT! Couriers

That’s not a scam, that’s what a raffle is. Which is what the Hypernet really is, a raffle system.

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Who would have thought: if you sell something overpriced you make a profit.

As far as I know the buyer can see exactly what they’re paying and what they’ll get, which means this is as much a ‘scam’ as an overpriced item on the market is a ‘scam’.

Hypernet is overpriced by default in entirety of nodes for one raffle. But one node is cheaper a lot than all of them. But… you have a chance to get it cheaper by getting that one lucky node, and if it doesnt work, 2 nodes… and so on and so on and so on untill you realize you have lost all your isk and have to beg in Jita for ISK.

To become a scammer it is recommended that you join the Something Aweful Forums. After a few months of training you become a Goonie, affectionately know as Goonshits. You then go to Jita to practice your scamming skills.

Once you are suitably trained taking from the rich and giving to the poor ( yourself) and have more money then sense, the next stage would be to approach a Master such as the Princess herself, her services however do not come cheep.

Nope it’s a scam. It’s ccp trying there best to take more isk and supplies out of circulation. And yes since it’s stacked in the Gabor of the dude making the offer the players always lose in the long run so it’s a scam. And I would know I have run them and made a lot from scamming gambling addicts

Not a scam as you get what you payed for

Send me 100 Million ISK and I’ll show you de wae.

Nope, it’s not a scam, it’s a raffle. That’s how raffles work. The person who creates the raffle is expected to earn some money from the raffle - or do you think they would sell it at loss?

As for CCP taking ISK out of the game, that’s not a scam either. It’s called ISK sink.

Hypernet is a scam where someone sells an item for a lot More then it’s actual value u can argue all u like but gambling is a scam cause it’s designed for people to lose money so it’s a waste of time and a scam.

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Nope, as long as you know the odds, what you are betting on and how much you are betting, gambling is not a scam.

Hypernet is not a scam because you can do a bit of research before buying a raffle ticket so you’d know your odds, how much you would be spending, and the value of what you would be getting if you win.

Selling an item for profit is not a scam, either via raffle, market, or any other way.


Exception are contracts where people are deceiving the buyer into buying something for a certain price (in the name of the contract, or by linking other contracts as well for that price), but are in fact asking for a much higher price with a few extra zeros in the ‘scam’ contract.

Selling an overpriced item itself isn’t a scam though, people can ask what they want and if someone is willing to pay it that’s their choice.

Same for overpriced hypernet tickets. You know the cost, odds and price in advance when you press ‘buy’.

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