Scarcity, how the gankers don't want you to see and think about it

How about everywhere?


BS Permits?

Thats a great idea!

Too many Ravens out there as it is

are you sure you are having the same conversations as the rest of us, and not stuck in a battle with your inner monolog? I’m not seeing how what you posted flows from what was said before in the rhread.

I think you are confusing blasters with cap neutralizers

And by doing so,
you are doing the -exact- thing that Sol, and scoots and such complain about…

Where do you see me claiming such things, I’m merely pointing out if the miners change a bit of habit and how they think, they can have an effect on the market and ganking, is your point that they -wouldn’t-?

oh, where do you see me ‘telling them to’?

Nonsense !
I’ve never seen either of them complain about legitimate multi-boxing.

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ahh, so ‘legitimate’ means, if -I- am doing it, not if -they- are doing it… thanks for the clarification.

Sol. how about sharing with the class, what the hell -are- you talking about?

I’m trying to follow your logic chain from
“It could effect the economy, if carebears realize that gun mining is a thing” to


I can confirm that mining permits are legitimate.


Hunting permits too.

How dare you try and speak for me.


SO, you want to go on record as saying your in favor of AFK Mining while doing something in another tab?

Why would I be in favor of garbage gameplay?

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I think the point is that they can, but they won’t; because for the most part they can’t be bothered to expend more than the absolute minimum effort required.

Furthermore, not all players believe in the PvP/PvE divide, it’s an imaginary construct formed by people who don’t see a bigger picture.


You also want to pay us for the allowance to hunt us down? Ok

im curious…

if you are playing windowed…and you can see each and every client logged in…and YOU are sitting at the keyboard…is that not multiboxing and not A.F.K.(away from keyboard) gameplay?


If the game allows it it’s legitimate - glad you realise that (at last).

Im 100% sure thats YOUR view on a carebear. That term never meant any of what you stated in your comment, i can only assume you dont know what you are talking about.

You’re over there telling people to fact check their own words… why did you not do that for yourself?? Hypocritical idiot acting like you know more than you do… here you go… i fact checked your incorrect-ass…

"care bear ": Lightly derogatory term for an MMO player who avoids PVP combat, heavily preferring cooperative or solo PVE combat, chatting, or developing tradeskills/running quests.

Take your helmet off and read it slowly… you may learn something.

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