Scarlet Trading - 10b Uncollateralized Loan @ 5%

I did. Everyone with some semblance of understanding of the english language will conclude that I did.

I mean, what did you think i was talking about, when I posted this?

Its completely mind boggling that ive been doing nothing but try to help you up until this point, and youve somehow taken this as an attempt at trolling.

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Sorry, but disagree. You’ve trolled the thread pretty hard.

Can you atleast agree that every time I’ve told you to post your recent history using applications like eve mogul, that I was not infact trolling and was trying to help you?

You mentioned in March 3rd. I posted screenshots March 4th (next day).

You mentioned it one day out of all the other posts. I’m calling you a troll because you came to this thread and right off the bat started trying to poke holes in everything just to poke holes. You have no interest in lending, just pushing members out of the community, that’s clearly dead.

Again, anything said here can be scrutinized from saying all the past successful loans are fake to screenshots are fake to even saying my alt is not really my alt; you purchased both characters last week. We can keep going down the rabbit hole.

Did you find a lender? If not message me in game and we can discuss it.

My income for the past month, in case there is a question about where my ISK comes from.

I am also open to holding collateral for people.

And what was your direct response to that, when I initially posted it? Do you know how many replies you posted before finally posting those screenshots?

Sure. Do you understand why we poke holes? I actually already answered it once before, but if you know the answer, then you would know that there is nothing wrong, and infact, it is commonplace for people to scrutinize you when you are posting loans and asking for ISK without good collateral or a good level of trust.

Now, you already know for a fact that I have invested ISK before in other ventures, here on the forums. You also know for a fact that I have outright stated that I do not believe that all uncollateralized loans/investments are scams, and that there are investments without collateral that I believe are legitimate. So it is clear that I have an interest in lending, and I also acknolwedge that there are, what i consider legitimate uncollateralized loans.

Have I made that argument? Did i say that your 2017 screenshots are fake, ever?

I laid down, multiple times, the concerns that we as investors have, which is the lack of recent evidence of trading/manufacturing.

Saying that your 2017, 2018 screenshots were fake, would have been an easier accusation, and would have been less helpful to your cause, than asking for recent screenshots. Its almost as If I was trying to help you, by asking you for more recent evidence, doesnt it?

Also, you still havent answered the question i asked.

Can you atleast agree that every time I’ve told you to post your recent history using applications like eve mogul, that I was not infact trolling and was trying to help you?

Jesus, that is a razor thin margin.

and this was last February, not everything is shown by the charts that CCP makes available

It’s totally fine to have concerns and ask questions. But, your first few lines of a response was why I’m not dropping real life cash to buy power in the game. The entire purpose of asking for a loan and even lending them is tied to playing the game and hopefully playing it for fun regardless if you win or lose at that. When you come in and immediately say things like, “why are you even posting here when you can just buy ISK?” It’s like you’re saying, we are you even here playing the game like this?

Yeah, I can buy Plex. I am lucky enough to have a very good living and can certainly afford to buy more than 10 billion ISK. I choose not to because it’s fun to play a game like EVE Online where you can do things like this as part of a profession that is not exactly defined like it would be in other games. That’s what makes EVE Online so badass compared to majority of all MMORPG’s out there.

To me, that response is the first sign that you just wanted to troll to troll. You had no intention of lending, you just wanted to add your 2 cents to the thread because you think you’re somebody here.

I don’t see why you didn’t? I mean, you straight up came in hard saying that even my past two successful loans in these forums were possible scams, like I could even remotely prove they weren’t. Throwing out wild ideas they were shams to prop myself up to burn this character for 10 billion ISK scam with this loan.

Sorry man, I feel you’re clearly upset that I called you a troll and you’re trying to justify your commentary here. Just going to have to live with that opinion. You’ve already killed my thread and any chances of actually filling this loan simply because you felt it necessary to say everything is a lie.

That said, clearly everyone gets extremely paranoid and uptight with the idea of lending to uncollateralized loans. That’s both fine and to be expected, just not ask crazy as saying everything is possible lie where it’s hard to retort or prove it isn’t.

I’ve already been taking my profits from my fake industrial pilot who clearly hasn’t played since 2009 and sinking that into a stockpile of physical assets that I can use for collateral in the next loan I do.


Thanks for the offer. Here is some of my spending/returns last week from my manufacturing side of my business. Margins could be higher if I actually built or spent more time finding components cheaper. But, my new tactic is keeping within a couple jumps from Jita and buying everything directly from Jita, building it, then reselling as quickly as possible for profit. This is why I want to expand, so I can buy more and more of these components and diversify my portfolio of goods to sell to that market.


Feel free to join and hang out in my newly-estalbished loans discord channel, but we are only gonna lend to people with collateral.

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You forget that this was in response to your talking about real life and having a 9 to 5 job. I always bring this up whenever someone starts talking about real life, because it’s irrelevant to the loan. I wasn’t the one who brought up real life obligations and comparisons, you did.

Maybe because I’m not a troll? Maybe because I was actually trying to help?

That didnt cross your mind, not even once?

Wild idea? What?

Do you realize that the reason people bring this up is because it happened, and happens, frequently right? It’s not a wild idea when it’s a very possible reality.

I’m not upset, and I didnt say everything is a lie. You seem to be suffering from the same persecution complex that Arisha Moon suffered, when the first sentence I wrote to her was that I did not believe she was a scammer, and then she went off to complain how I kept calling her a scammer. It doesnt look good and I wasn’t the one who killed this loan, you did.

Sure, and I tried to help you by giving you advice and telling you that you would have had a higher chance getting a loan if you posted more recent evidence of a consistent trading record.

Instead, you called me a troll and proceeded to waste 4 posts in a back-and-forth before finally realizing that I was trying to help you all along.

You derailed your own thread, and you were your own worst enemy in trying to get a loan. I’m only here to help, because I care about other people. I’m a loving, caring man, you see. I’m a nice guy. Maybe next time you will see a hand offered in friendship as what it is.

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