Script to enable a fullscreen forum view mode (instead of everything down the middle)

I’ve seen some people asking for a fullscreen view mode, so I put together a little script that changes some styles for the website.

To use it;

  1. Open your browser console by pressing F12 (default), and selecting the console tab
  2. Paste the script text at the bottom of this post into the console
  3. Press enter

I also have a Stylish (Chrome, Firefox ) plugin:

And a Greasemonkey (Firefox) / Tampermonkey (Chrome) script:

EVE Online forums fullscreen mode script -

You should see the forum change to a fullscreen mode.
Note that this does not do anything other than change the way the forums look.

Here are some previews:

  1. Main forum window
  2. Activity summary
  3. Topic view

Please give me a shout if you find any problems.
The script is below.

.wrap { max-width: 100% !important}\
.timeline-docked { right: 10px !important; }\
.timeline-container { right: 10px !important; }\
.topic-body { width: 85% !important }\
#reply-control .wmd-controls { width: 85% !important; }\
#reply-control .reply-area { max-width: unset !important; }\
.user-right { width: 90% !important }\
.user-content { max-width: unset !important; }\
.save-button { margin-top: 40px !important; width: 93% !important; }\
.save-button.controls { width: 100% !important; }\
.save-button * { font-size: 17px !important; height: 40px !important; width: 100% !important; }\
.save-user { width: 30% !important; }\
.menu-panel { margin-right: 30px !important; }\

I added GreaseMonkey, TamperMonkey, and Stylish plugins. Just a little bump to reflect that.


It’s also possible to do with a bookmarklet.

Though I can’t demo that here.


Oh, right! I did not think of that. You’re very welcome to add it in here if you do create one; it would be useful. The license on all the stuff is public domain anyway, so you can steal it and make your own.


heh. yours works just fine.

javascript:{$('head').append('<style>.wrap { max-width: 100% !important}.timeline-docked { right: 10px !important; } .timeline-container { right: 10px !important; } .topic-body { width: 85% !important }\#reply-control .wmd-controls { width: 85% !important; } #reply-control .reply-area { max-width: unset !important; } .user-right { width: 90% !important } .user-content { max-width: unset !important; } .save-button { margin-top: 40px !important; width: 93% !important; } .save-button.controls { width: 100% !important; } .save-button * { font-size: 17px !important; height: 40px !important; width: 100% !important; } .save-user { width: 30% !important; } .menu-panel { margin-right: 30px !important; } </style>');};void(0);

as the link (probably. depends if the forum mangles it)


Ah, cool :). Thank you. That works. I find the forums quite a lot more usable this way.


greasemonkey or similar is the better option, as it’s persistent :slight_smile:

I just like giving alternate options.


All good. Stylish works best in my opinion, though I did test the other two and they work as well. Less complicated with Stylish since it’s just a stylesheet injection with a one-click install from the website, rather than the whole script creation thingy.

If you have any ideas/additions/whatever, please post them here or message me and I’ll include them with full credit to you.

That goes to everyone, too. I’m going to go and do real-life things now :smile_cat:.


Thank you =)

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if you want rid of that timeline thing, add in “display: none;” into it’s section in the console command. It will still take up space, but won’t be visible.

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if you just expand the topic-body to 100%, that will use up the space from the timeline (just set display:none on the timeline)


nice, thanks for sharing this.


Got mine set to 75% width and 95% topic-body width and with the timeline thing hidden, it is starting to get there. Looks a lot more comfortable than the 100% one.

Now need to find a away to get the posts the right shade of grey :


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Awesome! Thanks for this. Added to Tampermonkey for Chrome and it works like a charm.

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I tried that, though the timeline floats above the stuff and looks weird. I suppose hiding it would work, though :). I quite like the timeline so I made space for it. It does look a bit weird when there is no timeline.


Nice :D. Glad it works for you.


Very nice, thank you

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This looks great, nice work! Is it possible to move the blue scroll bar a bit to the right? It’s overlapping with post content a little.


I totally stole your styles, and created an experimental theme that can be chosen in the preferences.

Disclaimer: I have not fully tested these styles, the theme is labeled experimental for a reason. I reserve the right to disable this theme at any point if I deem it necessary or even without a reason. :aura:



:smile_cat: I’m glad to have been able to contribute. This is awesome