Seamen demons is looking for more unhinged wormhole pilots in USTZ.
who we are:
we are a small group of friends that formed a new alliance with the feeling that there was no other place for us to go. We have aquired a vanilla c5/6 and are finally ready to start taking on more members!
what we offer:
c5 with a c6 static home hole.
several farm holes in need of krabbers
secure mapping tool
small gang pvp.
pve fleets to make isk
what were looking for:
25m sp min
atleast 2 omega accounts main/usefull alt
logi/dps t3c/bombers either armor or shield
come join and be a manly sea demon! (discord link soon, working on auth/perms and web hooks) should be up tomorrow. for now shoot me a message in game or here with any questions you have.
⠀⠀⠀Trolled softly