Second day in EVE. Chose to do exploring and this happened

This doesn’t get thrown around as much as it should, but another “rule” of Eve is “It’s not yours until it’s in your station”.

Those things aren’t yours yet, you’re just holding them.

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dude they say the best way to learn pvp is to buy 10 ships and loose them
they are right
i dit it NOW

black bars are to not expose people and my fit , you can get it on zkill anyway

i was in amarr now buying 20 punishers to do some plexes in amarr fw zone

the cost 11 mil each aprox

look wat i did with ONE of this ships last days , destroyed 6 times the price of one ship :smiley: and got some sweet solo kills , people in low have balls and they do join for friendly 1v1
S3 guys

btw now that amarr is t2 in FW you gain aprox 1 milion per minute inside plexes so it cost me like 10 min to get one ship back , not much , EZ

my hangar, long time fun , don’t cost much , everybody can do it , fw is democratic AF


Smart lad…

Good work

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Welcome to town

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