Client does not allow for multiple characters being logged in at the same time from one (1) account, the limit is, and has always been (to my knowledge), 1 character per account. Also as mention if you’re using an Alpha-account this is the only one you may use while using it, you may not multi-box Omega and Alpha-accounts (not even from multiple PCs).
If you, by chance, at some point in the future you acquire more accounts; to multi-box all accounts must be Omega.
So you bring up an interesting point that created a question for me.
You mention you cannot multibox alpha and omega, even on different PC’s. I guess for one, how would that be monitored and enforced?
As an example, my son has taken interest in EVE and has been playing off and on for the last year. He drifts in and out of alpha/omega as I tend to plex his account, but being 14 his attention to eve is sporatic. He and I often will play together. Completely separate computers in separate rooms, however on the same network, so same public IP connecting. Would this be seen as multiboxing?
You know your mechanism for only allowing one toon per account or one alpha to login is bad if it doesn’t even need a hack to circumvent, but people can do it by accident.
Honestly, it feels like such a mixed message. Pretty sure you and I had a very similar conversation on this topic already about how conflicted Alpha accounts are in their EULA description as a free play option, and their limitations being indicative of a trial account.
Their limitation of one active toon per player was something the player base pressured for and not something CCP came up with. They intended alphas to be a somewhat viable free2play option.
It may look for you like the alpha is a trial because you judge the situation as someone who played EVE as a subscription game where what once was a trial account for 15 days is now unlimited.
For a new player who discovers EVE for the first time this may look completely different. They probably see the alpha account as the default free2play option they get from other games and omega as a massive pay2win paywall.
I’m pointing this out since they introduced it. If I would discover EVE today I would not even consider to play it because of this.