It’s the time of the year again and christmas is coming!!!
Secret santa is back again, yeah!
The Rules are simple:
- Post in the thread(and only) if you are requesting a gift
- Give the poster above you a gift
Simple, isn’t it?
In your post you can request whatever you want, but the character sending you the gift has no obligation to give it. But you have to give him something.
If you don’t receive a gift or your gift sucks, please sort this out via PM/Ingame chats, don’t flame this thread please.
Some general guidelines to prevent abuse:
- Check the character INGAME(!) before sending him a gift, especially when he requests something expensive and claims to send something expensive. Also, wait until the character above him confirms before sending him the gift. Unfortunately like any giveaways, this makes people wanna make a shitload of alpha alts to farm the hell out of it.
- A good idea of proof is to make a screenshot of the contract and edit your post with it after having sent the gift.
- I will be giving a gift to the last Person on December 26 at DT.
What I want for Xmas is a Pirate BS for ESS combat
From CCP I want to have back the old Abyssal arena (you used to have 2 gates in tier 3+ sites)
@grimaxemorpher Confirm having received the gifts, thx