Security Status under Character Sheet

So, a quick little idea, something i’m surprised hasnt been done yet after many years of it being this way, but, under character sheet theres a question mark in a little circle next to Total Net Worth, and Security Status, and lastly next to Home Station.

However, both Home Station and Total Net Worth both give a fairly detailed description when you hover over the question mark, but when you do it for Security Status, all it shows is “Security Status”, Like it was hard to copy and paste a further description of your Security Status and how it works. Like this:

  • Security status of -2.0 or below means you’ll be attacked in █ 1.0 systems.
  • Security status of -2.5 or below means you’ll be attacked in █ 0.9 systems.
  • Security status of -3.0 or below means you’ll be attacked in █ 0.8 systems.
  • Security status of -3.5 or below means you’ll be attacked in █ 0.7 systems.
  • Security status of -4.0 or below means you’ll be attacked in █ 0.6 systems.
  • Security status of -4.5 or below means you’ll be attacked in █ 0.5 systems.
    … Just an idea, gives newer players a little bit more of a description around their security status without having to go outside of EVE to look this thing up, all this information should be provided in game.

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