How can a player know if someone is online 24 7 thou because they themselves will not be online 24 7 to watch these guys, only CCP can see that kind of stuff and I’m sure these dudes are smart enough to make them seem real but following human behavior.
Usually when two or more players from different timezones observe it.
I don’t mean to be nit-picking, but the biggest concern is not the use of a bot itself, but as the EULA states it, is it the accelerated accumulation of resources. I don’t speak for CCP, but they will likely see a bot, which acts worse than a human, not see as a major threat to their game. Nor do the people who use bots would make use of such a bad bot. While the use of automation isn’t allowed in general does the main concern center around the accelerated gain, and that’s also why players use bots and macros in the first place. And it’s this accelerated gain, which is poisonous and infectious.
It may never be possible to get rid of all botting, and if the fight against bots would result in bots behaving like humans (including all humans’ needs and faults) then it may be the only achievable outcome of it, and still not be acceptable or tolerable.
They create the problems then they offer the solutions! Don’t get it twisted! Eve Online is a business, period! CCP makes money from RMT as well! Just as big pharmacutical conglomerates make money on the black market opium trade and from addicting you to their pills or how major super powers arm both sides of a war, etc… Business is business, cash reigns supreme! Botting, RMT, will NEVER go away!
Understand the system; the universe (sandbox) in which you “play”, know how to survive within it, and have fun! You/we wont change anything.
That’s why the EULA is a joke. Disallow botting and macro use because it “accelerates gains”. What the hell does allowing someone to multi-box 10-20-100 accounts do, regardless if they’re doing it “legit” or not? Either get rid of multi-boxing altogether, or the EULA reason against botting/macroing doesn’t hold water. The reality is CCP prefers money over balanced gameplay, therefore there will never be any significant reduction in botting or macroing.
I go into an ice belt for example and can only get a few rocks before the guy with 10+ toons wipes it out. And he’s most likely legit and not a bot. So what does that do? Well,if CCP has there way, it means I fork over cash for 9 more accounts so I too can “keep up with the Jones’”, which I refuse to do. Meanwhile, the guy with 10+ toons has used his wallet to make EvE easy-mode ( but hey, EvE isn’t Pay to Win, no sir! ), while still proclaiming to others how he’s “hardcore”. It’s a ■■■■■■■ joke.
And that’s why you get all these people that pounce the minute you say “get rid of multi-boxing”. They like being able to show off all their bling they got from running easy-mode while bragging to others playing on hard-mode ( i.e. how EvE was originally intended, 1 toon 1 ship at a time, before Hilmar got addicted to fat multi-box cash ) how “good they are” at playing EvE.
And now CCP can’t do ■■■■, because if they put the genie back in the bottle and remove multi-boxing, over 3/4 of their player numbers, and income, would be gone over-night. So again, botting and macroing are going nowhere and the main people at fault are CCP.
The reason for that are the current ice prices. Sadly, it is only because of these guys with their 10-20 mining alts that the prices for it aren’t even worse (meaning higher).
The introduction of Citadels has brought a huge demand for ice products with it and there isn’t enough ice going around to satisfy the demand.
If it wasn’t for those fleets of alts then ice belts would remain up for longer and as a result would we see new belts only once or twice a day. With those fleets do we see belts respawn more often.
I know it sucks to compete with these fleets of alts, but it’s the mechanic of the ice belts and the high demand for ice currently that we have this problem.
If we had more ice belts or larger belts then the demand for ice could be satisfied more easily, the prices for it would drop, and as a result would it be more difficult for the ice mining fleets to pay for their accounts.
I used ice as one example. All areas of the game are affected, including pvp. I’m sure the player smashing his multi-boxed fleet of catalyst into a ship feels very elite about his PvP prowess when he shows off his killmails.
The use of input multi-plexing is not allowed. So if that player is shooting with all his Catalysts at once then you can get rid of the player very easily by reporting him.
And yes, I’ve also been attacked by some guy with his 9 Catalysts, but he had problems getting them all onto me at the same time and couldn’t get into range with them fast enough until CONCORD had arrived. The time he needed to get them all onto me was about the time CONCORD used to arrive, and his last Catalyst may not even have damaged me. In the end did I survive and he lost all his Catalysts to CONCORD.
So as long as it has these kinds of players will the problem more likely eat itself, and when not, check for input multi-plexing and report the guy.
I’m thinking it’s because of skill extractors that we see more alts, and with players farming skill points, and others buying those, are they also seeking for uses where they can re-purpose all them alts until they start selling the SPs off.
I think amount of isk ‘confiscated’ would be a lot more interesting than the amount of accounts banned. Accounts don’t cost anything, Isk sold by RMT has a value.
I respect you Whitehound, and your opinions. I’m just going to drop out of the bot argument as a whole because the damage is done. CCP can’t afford easy-mode player’s tears and closed wallets. The incentive for botting and macroing is going nowhere, as neither are the bots and macros themselves. Both sides of the multi-boxing mechanic can argue futilely until exhaustion, nothing changes those simple facts, and I have no interest in futility.
Yes, I agree. I, too, find the increasing number of alts alarming and not very fun to play with.
I really want to play nice and very good game. But on certain issues that I’ve developed with my side it’s been seen and I showed actual what I could show but never could show on the time that you’re supposed to show it because you have a limit. If I want to give a dancing Amar ship in the middle of space which should be doing something else I cannot show you cuz of the time it happens and when I bring it to you. The video says you cannot put this here. That’s what it says you cannot put your two point whatever you have to try something else I never get a chance to report what happened and so you a truthful person. And there’s some people that are not so nice. they make themselves Critical with you if you’re just discussing something which in the laws of what you’re supposed to post. I really appreciate the information
If it wasn’t for those armies of alts ccp could double miners yield per ship also (talking non rorqs) Or triple it.
And make it a competative source of income to shooting things.
So alts are not needed.
I have a basic idea which may have some merit; to detect if a player is actually playing add a count to UI method calls which come from interacting with the game, as with shortcuts etc. If this is really low it may narrow the scope down in your search, and could also produce false positives ( from someone mining afk ).
Bots use the same number of calls as humans.
What they should do is to record the mouse clicks of every player. Then turn those clicks into images and sounds and create a project similar to Project Discovery, where players get to analyze graphics and sounds to detect machine-like patterns.
Even if bots were to use randomized mouse movements or recordings of human behaviour would one be able to recognize it.
And it would be fun, too.
CCP certainly doesn’t mind people playing with themselves …
Funny how machines are the best at detecting patterns like this, imagine the AI became so advanced that it knew how it would catch itself and change in a way that It would discount itself.
I know this guy that bots 2 mackinaw self made bot pretty bad doesn’t warp to safety when neuts come in local funny tho they hardly ever touch him thinking it’s got a be a trap^^.
I doubt he comes out in any profit but it’s his own pleasure to leave for work and let them mine until they die
So you’ve reported him right. to both CCP and his CEO?
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