Seeking any and all information on Guristas

I have come to the game with a very large and near impossible goal. I would like to start from the ground up working to fight with the Guristas Pirates. My end game will be the acquisition and construction of every Guristas type ship from the Worm to yes even the Komodo if that is even possible.

With that said I seek information in relation to the Guristas. I love the idea of their ships which is the only reason I didn’t choose another pirate faction instead. The information I seek could be in game, online resources, purchasable book, or anything else you can think of.

I would greatly appreciate any and all help on this matter. Please know that I am not just looking for an information dump with no effort. I will be and have been scouring the web in search for things myself as well.

Thank you all for your time and potential contributions of information.

Fly dangerous


Paging the Guristas Guy @Avio_Yaken


Well, there’s an old thread by Avio, but more has probably been released since then (five years?).

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Hi there, I’m Avio Yaken. Good to see some passionate interest in the faction!

So @Tsuiroha Here linked about all I could’ve thinked about sharing. Thats something to look at if you hadn’t already found it. The bit about EVE Source can be ignored as all the information found in the Source book can be found for free on the official EVE wiki page for lore

Reading your goals, I implore you to give it a shot more than ever now that pirate ship production has been fixed in favor of the loyalists wanting to use the ships. I see in-game you’re already enlisted in Gurmil and that’s a great start towards getting the LP you need for cheap prints and materials.

Once you start trying to mess with capital ships? Id advise finding some kind of alliance or corp that can give you the infrastructure to support such rare vessels. Both in terms of building and storing them.

Try and keep your head up while trying to be in Gurmil. Its not the prettiest by any means and you’d have a much comfier life in one of the Empire militas. So starting out and instantly getting involved with us? Picking the hard route.

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