Rose Calatoni
- located in Jita 4-4
- Pos Sec status
- Pos wallet
- good PVP pilot
- Great Amarr pilot
- Great Carrier pilot
- Great Sub cap pilot
- 52mill Skillpoints
- maurder and blackops pilot
- T2/3 subcaps
- 2 other clones with implants
- 600 000 un allocated skillpoints. charging accordingly otherwise can remove
Start Bid - 46Bill
Inbox to any account, prefer this one.
Confirming. eve was playing up last night so second attempt.
43b offer for Rose
31b offer for Fallyn
Buy out 40bil for Fallen agreed
Sending isk and account info now
Buy out confirmed. awaiting isk and details in fallyn
Isk sent and account info given for transfer
Isk recieved, Account sent . Fallyn Buck is sold
Will be completed after: 4/29/2018 10:54:20 AM
Thank you, toon not showing yet but will confirm as soon as received on account.
thank you for being sorting quickly
1 Like
46bill in game offer received earlier
Bump! Rose Calatoni still available
(Zoe Plz)
Please could you post an link
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