Selling C4 to C4/C2... Fort, other structures, capitals, etc. Great PI, custom offices, etc (Magnetar)

We’re moving to another wormhole and we’re attempting to sell our WH with most in tact. It’s a nice wormhole,
Details on the wormhole here: J212028 Magnetar -

The wormhole has great PI, we own all the custom offices bar one gas planet. These will be transfered obviously to whoever buys it.

We own a Fort fully fit with rigs. The value of the fort with rigs and drones is 27B. We are asking for 21b for the fort, system, and PI offices.

Extras purchases that can be added onto the base price, otherwise removed from hole/exploded for insurance:
-Two Athanors, and a Raitaru (Ath has a 900mil mining rig on it) - Worth about 4.5b total for all three, but will take buy price without RIGS for all three on this one.
-2x Nags
-2x Nid
-1x Phoenix
-1x Rorq
-Battleship Rolling ships (We have at least 4)

Mail me in game, thanks.





sent you a mail in game


The Wormhole is still on offer


The Wormhole is still on offer


The Wormhole is still on offer


The Wormhole is still on offer

I am interested what the price

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