September Release - General Feedback

So in your pursuit to avoid complexity you conjured something that is both complex and useless at the same time… Why not just display warp out timer after 2x align time have passed since activation of warp drive (in case you were flying at full speed and needed 180 degree turn for warp)?

Sometimes simpler is better.


I think you expect too much from Devs that don’t actually play the game. The constant bombardment with details that add nothing. Even a casual player knows the difference between an industrial ship and a combat ship, but they don’t. Most people can see the warp gauge , but now a new message is added fhat tells you nothing specific., But good news, the skies are prettier for those few playing In high graphics mode.


The cyno change was ill thought out and confusing. JF’s already have low cargo capacity. Making them haul around T1 industrials, or worse, try to move one into position for a LoSec cyno, is going to be a lot harder and cut into their bottom line.

Nobody outside of an Alliance or wealthy NulSec corp is going to risk a Blops or Recon to light a conventional combat cyno. The whole point of corvette cynos was cheap, disposable anchors for just moving any type of caps. The point of putting them on other ships was to summon support if needed in PvP. I have never seen a corvette being used as a combat cyno.

When you affect logistics it means fewer deployments in Null. Change and limit the ability to cyno jump PvP support, and it becomes a lot harder to engage in an escalating cap fight, too. First caps on grid are going to smoke the other side’s expensive cyno piñata. Leaving the support to flee.

The industrial cyno should be accessible to Rorquals and JF’s. Honestly, the only benefit here is that a corvette km becomes an industrial. Not something that will suddenly revitalize the game.

Covert cyno available at IV would also reduce some of the training pain for alts. Remember, they will also have to skill the ship in order to use the mod.

The Astero and Stratios are, in effect, a Covops and a Recon. Please let them fit covert cynos and balance them with the other ships in the class wrt alignment and warp speed.

If we have an industrial cyno we should also have a combat cyno. I would really like to see an invulnerable timer while the cyno is lit. The host ship should also have its cap drained. 10 minutes waiting to get ganked is a real time sink. Why not 5? Everything that is going to jump in will show up in the first couple of minutes. After the invulnerability timer expires, you better have logi on grid.

I play two accounts, which did give me a selection of 4 cyno alts. Only 2 of them can fly T1 industrial and I’m not rushing to double skill or buy injectors. So while I can move a jump freighter, I can no longer easily move combat caps around.

I’m not keen on risking 300mil to bring a dread or carrier out to play. The month long covert cyno training is going to end up on only one or two characters.

Hopefully some sense will break out. If the blackout and cyno changes are an effort to go after the Goons, it’s fail. You are going to affect the smaller operations. An uptick in T1 industrial km’s will not be offset by capital pvp destruction. Hard to bring the fight when the devs are making it expensive and needlessly complex to get on grid.


Thanks for reporting this, this is unintentional and a fix is in the works. Its noted in the known issues thread.

Thanks for the feedback, we’ve responded to a similar request here.

I’m not really sure how to respond to this, but it has to be noted how impressive it is that almost every single statement in your post is misleading, inaccurate or just plain wrong. Well done sir :laughing:


Ships designated as “shield” or “armor” tanked get warnings in the fitting window when they’re tanked “incorrectly”, but no ship is designated as “hull” tanked or gets a warning in the fitting window when they’re mis-tanked.

My comment was mostly tongue-in-cheek since hull tanking is rarely a good idea…but for the few occasions it is it works wonderfully. This change just seems to be discouraging the notion of hull tanking, which, as an occasional hull tanker, I fully approve of.

I do mine ice (albeit not recently) and I’ve never been bumped. Folks have tried of course, but they always miss.

Maybe I should go give it another try to see what you’re talking about…

They always were Ravid, until for some reason capital gate travel was introduced.

Of course we know the difference:

  • A Nereus fitted with cargo bay extenders, ECM drones and inertial stabs is an industrial
  • A Nereus fitted with a scram, web, combat drones and a railgun is a combat ship
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Thanks for reminding me of this
TheKiller8 RMR

The whole idea of fitting warning is fukin stupid & a waste of an update. What’s next? ccp AUTOMATICALLY fitting ur ships for u? so stupid

Here is a idea, how about IMPROVING EVE with a ‘update’ INSTEAD of BREAKING the game & adding USELESS garbage

for approx the past 10 yrs, everytime ccp announces a ‘update’, I’m filled wit despair at wonderin what the fuk ccp broke this time


I believe this is what CCP is now trying to find out.
How few players do we need to pay the bills and show PA profits - Pretty sure that long term it will be more than they will retain if rubbish “updates” like Era of Chaos continue

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So essentially it does exactly the same thing as the speed indicator does, it doesn’t give any indication as to how much longer you will be stuck on whatever - Just a new line going back and forth until you hit warp.

Yes i tried it, got myself deliberately hung up on an asteroid and tried to warp. the old speed indicator told me pretty much EXACTLY what the new warp vector animation does.
Still have to watch a clock or something to know just how much longer you will be stuck there - 3 minutes is a long time when you are stuck.,.

Nobody ever has to wonder why the UI in Eve is so cluttered and horrible to work with - Devs like adding duplicates that really provide no extra information.

How about a mouse over info panel on this new piece of clutter that shows you in minutes/seconds how much longer you will be stuck? Yes more clutter but at least could be useful clutter in rare situations.


I would think and Industrial Cyno would not only be fit to any Industrial but would allow any jump capable Industrial to jump to it. Seems implied in the name. I am guessing FEAR of battle Rorquals and/or using them as FAXs precluded them.

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I’d rather they be allowed on Procurers etc, they are industrial’s and if you have to use a cyno in hostile space i’d rather use something cost effective that can tank a bit.,

I have problems with the wormhole changes.

It doesn’t tell you if it’s half mass anymore (I mean it doesn’t make a sound anymore)
It doesn’t shrink when it undergoes a mass change.
This means now instead of being able to hear that something is wrong with the wormhole, we have to show info… on every single wormhole we come across. It’s very tedious.

Other than that wormholes are beautiful, but this needs to come back.


Eve needs new ships to fly!

Really would like to see new ships!


a ‘UPDATE’ should IMPROVE a game, NOT BREAK it


Most nerf’s like this are simple over reactions from the Dev’s. If you look at these punishments for buying and skilling a class of ship that is nerfed you will find very little logic in the punitive part of the nerf… sadly asking a logical question about an over correction/punitive adjustment to game mechanics will most likely be ignored… when I first bought a jump freighter it cost over a billion isk. whatch how the cost will be corrected over the next few months as they get nerfed into dust no pun intended :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder if this is going to cause problems, everyone hitting jump at the same time. Kind of like a city all flushing their toilets at the same time.

Scanned downed sites reset now when u dock or jump? nice DOWNGRADE or what ccp calls a ‘update’

also what changes have been made to npc dmg dealt or ship resists? cuz sites r crazy now