SERIOUSLY: Bring All Capitals Back To HighSec. :nyanparrot: VOTE

I like to play with my food.


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Bless your heart. It’s not about killing or not killing. As I said, all caps should be in HS as well as LS and Null.

Tell me, seriously…why are they not?

@Mr_Epeen I’m not at all angry. I do miss Chribba though. :frowning:

No, no. Don’t misunderstand. I’m saying everyone else replying is angry.

I thought the OP was a pretty lighthearted and fun post.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Why would I be angry? CCP would never introduce capitals to highsec without nerfing them specifically in highsec and turning them suspect.

Most bears would not use them, because they’d know they’d be losing them. In highsec these things would be magnets for action. Maybe it’s you who is angry, thinking everyone else is angry.

This reason!?

But nope. The wish to Rorqual’s hi-sec moon mining is just too big.

as a capital pilot, you don’t want this. like… at all. this is a spectacularly bad idea.

Where did that nyan cat icon come from?

Can one place it on their Aeon?

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You raise a good point. Why do we allow Keepstars in high-sec when we don’t allow caps?!


That’s also a good question. :slight_smile:

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Honestly, no one should be angry at this point. Think of the economic benefit for a minute. You have to have an extra-large structure to dock a Titan. Keepstars are just nice…period. Who cares about minerals? I want to see an Avatar at the Jita undock or maybe an Erebus in Dodixie. There is NO downside to this.

I was really hoping that someone would state an actual reason…not just “titans are bad”.

I would suggest that there is no valid reason to change it to where Super Capitals are allowed into His Sec, other than a bunch of, players, comparing their various “Epeen” representations in a perfectly safe environment.

There are far better things for Dev to be working on.

Edit: No, shooting Keepstars is not a good reason.

And spend more money…

Yeah, I don’t think that is as good a reason as you seem to think it is.

Just saying.

You still owe me an answer to:

How would we kill a capital owned by someone in NPC corp?

Suicide ganking is out of the question.

why would you want to?


:arrow_up: THIS :arrow_up:

Yes, EXPLODING :rocket:’s is a big part of Eve Online…but it’s not the ONLY part…

well theres not much your gonna be able to do wit a capital if your in an npc corp tbvh

This is where threads go to die. Thanks for nothing volunteer forum police.

How bout if its allow’d purely by concord standings? 4.0 or above allow’d. just a thought

That wouldn’t work…

Unless it was -5 or less! Then there would be a way for them to actually be exploded in highsec as CONCORD would be out of the equation!