This Is Awesome. Great Post Shines.
LOL Chilil in absolute shambles as the big bad nullsec boogeyman approaches
Gotta love watching the highsec carebear “pirates” scramble to their holes when a real fight shows up - like the cowards they really are!
What happened here
I made a LOT of isk there, that’s what happened.
Yesugei Temujin So am I a carebear? boogeyman? pirate? Is highsec a shambles or is it content? Can’t seem to make your mind up. Seems neither can OP.
Also, did you just call me the highsec boogeyman? I LOVE THAT. Bro, I am a nobody, you saying that has made my day - huge head right now!
Loosing >100b isnt making isk.
It’s a WH eviction gone bad for the attackers. I jumped on it and looted like 200b, lost a BUNCH, but was wild time and really I just count that as isk denial for attackers, I didn’t really loose any per se because none of it was mine. Really good content. Really good time.
Hahaha looks like you are just as illiterate as you are cowardly
The nullsec boogeyman in this case isn’t you lol, it’s Dark Shines.
The cowardly carebear “pirate” who is in absolute shambles at having their ego threatened - that’s you.
?? Highsec boogeyman surely is a massive insult to DarkShines?? 0.0 Alliance coming to highsec - the one thing they trash talk about constantly.
Hey, all good here. No ego threatened, as I said, I am a nobody.
I have been doing this for about 15-16 years, since the old Privateer days. A whiney 0.0 alliance coming to highsec to kill a HQ is nothing new and as always, will do nothing.
Is the phrase “highsec boogeyman” in the room with us right now?
I duuno, say his name 3 times and let’s find out!
At least I am posting with my main.
tbh this has gotten a little hostile. I wish good content for all Mining, pirates, war deccers, 0.0 alliance, highsec boogeyman, whatever floats your boat
o7 to all. Fly fun
In this thread: highsec bully finds out what it’s like to be bullied.
And doesn’t like it
Have messaged about 2 wars. Nothing happened, stations going down.
Perhaps you not cut out to be killing 10+ war HQs per week.
I should have paid for BF services instead.
Assistance requests were sent for these last night.
Calm down, miner. Perhaps you should not expect war hqs going down an hour after you’ve put your mail into the flood of messages.
Imurukka Conglomerate here, yes, the one you decided to war today. Thanks for ruining content for 14 of our players against 20 in high-sec.
Thanks for calling us ‘elite’ pvpers though, appreciate it.
No problem at all, happy to help.
No more highsec wars allowed EVER AGAIN! How dare you war dec anyone!
You will now be DELETED!!
Not at all, I can happily assure you that Low Sec, Null Sec and Wormholes are rife with targets and structures for you to kill instead.
That’s what I said.
“No more highsec wars allowed”
Clearly, that is a reasonable thing to do and not toxic at all.
60j+ twice a week per HQ.
I would agree to this, if not every nullsec blob as a lowsec station. You never know what is behind that station in lowsec. I have lived in wormhole space and I can tell that it is not for everyone to start picking up fights in wormhole. My question would how would differentiate the bullies from other groups that want to establish themselves in a certain region.
It’s not the first time I see nullsec get involved in highsec wars, heck everyone does whatever they want, I am not their dad, but isn’t this a bit excessive?
PS. Yes I am posting this because the alliance I am part of got targeted by INIT 3 hours ago.