Posted this on the old forums, hope it is okay to repost here 
The Amazing
● I love the incredible visual detail that was put into the art of each spaceship. Huge amount of work went into drawing all those little reactors, cables and generators. That is simply amazing.
● The fact the idea of this book materialized is beyond words. It is a fundamental boost to immersion, lore and canon for me.
● The fact everything in the book makes sense is fantastic. There is nothing unrealistic anywhere and everything fits into the lore with no problem.
● I love that you took the time to show extra details like the Exotic Dancers crew in Navitas or fancy quarters in Golden Magnate. I appreciate all the thoughts to show little things like cargo payloads or minimalistic stairs for the crew in engineering areas.
The Good
● The art of all cross sections is sharp and big enough to appreciate it immediately and understand how it connects to the other parts of the ship.
● I appreciate all the great effort to make everything reasonable and fitting aka external reactor visible from an in-game model is also being a reactor inside the cross section’s spaceship art in the book.
● The amount of technical description of each part of the spaceships is incredible and mind-blowing.
The Bad
● I’d love to have one-sentence descriptions for many other parts. Lot of times I caught myself to wonder about some cool little thingy I found, but there was no description.
● Some parts of the art have bold lines around them, while others are smooth without any lines. In some cases it breaks the nice flow of the art for me.
● Some frigates are unfruitful to general audience. Great example is Breacher. Cool little spaceship, but not many people are losing butts over her. Yet take an Astero; a spaceship loved by many, yet it is missing in the book.
The Ugly
● Not enough focus on the crew, quarters and living areas is a big hit for immersion for me. Some frigates feel like a machine with no room for anyone except the capsuleer. Yet they still have tiny windows and rooms hidden from the cross section art.
● I miss the human element, I’d love to see more tiny engineers near the reactors, more janitors, more exotic dancers and more priests banging empresses.
● I would appreciate bigger spaceships in general. In the next book (wink wink) let’s focus on various classes, like a cruiser, a battleship, a carrier and so on. Also, I’d like the EVE players to vote which specific spaceships they would like to see in the book.