I have to admit I am no Einstein, just trying to get by in Eden
So after some career missions, SOE epic arc, agent pew-pew missions, exploration, and whatnot, I need to upgrade my space hardware to make progress like other exemplary Eden citizens.
So I decided it would be fun to build my next ship from a scratch (blueprints, that is) - mining, manufacturing some number of ships, keeping one to myself, and selling some to buy my fittings. And when I get blown-up, I can always mine some more and get my ship back. A sort of insurance.
Very nice people of Eden donated me some fantastic BPCs and I started grinding with my olâ good Venture. As advised, I also started to do some calculations in my spreadsheets. (Itâs fun - I think of it like of Sudoku game).
After initial tests and calculations I got shocked - I actually would loose money by selling a completed Thrasher instead of ore needed for its manufacturing
Please correct me. Letâs take a Thrasher. Its median-low price is 800,000 ISK (after taxes etc). I need to make at least 2 runs to asteroids just to get Pyerite for it. And for a 5000m3 of Condensed Scordite hold (1 run) I get at least over 400,000 ISK (immediate sale to NPC). But itâs just one of the four needed minerals so I will need to make many, many more runs. So far the numbers tell me that selling 2 x 5000m3 of Scordite would make me more profit in less time than selling a Thrasher?
And instead of building my dream ship âwith my own handsâ, I should do something else for profit and just buy it?
Did I mention I am no Einstein? So please advice me where I am making a mistake(s) here. How to manufacture a ship to make some profit?
P.S. Calculated buying minerals for manufacturing - again, the costs are higher than of a Thrasher ship
P.S.P.S. I know for profit you need at least a mining barge, not a Venture, but I am just doing a mathematical - and survival - exercise here
P.S.P.S.P.S. On the side note, so far at this level the WH exploration is much more profitable and thrilling than mining.
P.S.P.S.PSSPSPSPS. No, I donât play for ISK but I want to start doing some higher level stuff, combat, events, the real fun - for that you need quite advanced military hardware. Itâs just that I am trying to get financial traction within Eden (one could always buy and sell Plex but itâs no fun, no challenge, and would brake down for me the Eden role-playing experience).
Thank you in advance for your time