Ship Skiner

“require payment to turn it into skins (with loot drops removing that cost permanently or in a limited way)” … “bet on pure chance to get loot drops either yourself or from the market”.

How is that anything other than “I want it now without having to interact with the gameworld”?

It would be great if we could preview colors in the SKINR before buying them on the market (since there are quite a few not available through the Paragon Hub).


If you can’t connect the dots even though you copied the parts specifically mentioning the 2 different player interaction philosophies (to spell it out for you: no player interaction goes away), I cannot help you. :person_shrugging:

This is like watching two toddlers fight over the same toy. By all means, please continue…


They really limited the color options. Was looking forward to making my noctis rust brown to match my other minmatar ships and I can’t do it.

The Skins are way to EXPENSIVE to make… They also take 30% in profit off you if you try to sell them!

This is PLEX grab project…

The Skin idea is a great idea but they have priced them way to HIGH!!!

I wont be using it !!!

While I’m fine with patterns and colors being loot drops or purchasable options from the Paragon Hub, I do agree with (what I think?) the OP was getting at, which is that the designer should show all available options and not just the ones for which the user owns a license. If one is designing a SKIN, it would be nice to have a full palette of colors/patterns to work with. Obviously, one would still need to acquire the components to actually render the SKIN, but it seems odd having to purchase colors/patterns first, just to see what they look like in the designer. I can see where one might end up buying colors, activating the license, and then finding those components don’t work well in the intended design. And once activated, it’s not like you can resell colors/patterns you don’t end up needing after all.


I’m not going to say they couldn’t be cheaper, but based on what I’ve looked at so far the PLEX price for a sequenced SKIN can range from well below to far above that of a comparable SKIN of the same ship class, for sale on the NES. And that PLEX cost varies considerably with how many and what type of components you use in designing the SKIN.

I kind of figured when they announced this feature that they couldn’t make the average custom SKIN available to players at much if at all below the average NES SKIN cost (otherwise CCP would lose revenue). And I think CCP could argue custom anything often comes with a price premium. You’re going to pay a little extra to get exactly what you want.

That said, what’s farking redonkulous is the artificial delay introduced to sequence a SKIN, and the blatant cash grab in paying PLEX to skip the queue. I see no legitimate reason to introduce days of delay into the process of making a SKIN, and it’s abundantly clear the purpose is solely to extract more PLEX from impatient players by letting them skip the wait for a fee. That is some BS right there.

If you tack on 50-75+ PLEX to the cost of a sequenced SKIN to have it immediately, then yes—compared to an NES SKIN (which is usable from the moment it’s purchased), all custom SKINs are vastly overpriced.


Well said. And considering how much training you have to put into the new sequencing skills, you’d think it would be considerably less.


One could come to the conclusion that more thought and effort went into the monetization of the SKINR feature than anything else of the SKINR feature. :innocent:


The reason I logged in to post on the forums is to let CCP know what I think. The resources used to build a tool for designing ingame ship skins is real money thrown down the drain. Please use the resources to build a better game. A better game attracts more paying people. A money printing piece of program like Skin design is making me puke. It is not innovating. It brings nothing to the game. The obvious goal is to swindle customers out of their money.

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Considering there’s an associated PLEX cost + component cost (ISK or PLEX) + time, you should be able to do whatever you want with the finished (rendered) SKIN. After all, you can do this with SKINs purchased from the market, NES store or CCP directly (PLEX, ISK or $$ cash).

On the flip side, I can appreciate the desire to ensure custom SKINs don’t simply flood the contract market (and in all likelihood there wouldn’t be any way to preview how they’ll look on your ships - like I assume there will be in the Paragon hub).

I guess we’ll have to wait and see how listing custom SKINs works on June 20. Questions though:

• Can we setup a private contract? (alts, corp mates)
• Can we set the price to whatever we want - or does the Paragon hub set a minimum price depending on the SKIN?

Semi-related, there has been some discussion about unlocking all elements for players when designing ships. After a lot of consideration (and seeing both sides), my vote is a clear “NO” on this - simply for the reason that it makes it a lot easier for other designers to deduce what design elements have been used in a custom design, simply browse and copy it.

I have only 1 Issue with this SKINR. I saw they selling for real money the new skins pieces.
Now you can buy for 12€ a bundle wich hold new coatinig and pattern form.
Please CCP make everything about this SKINR not like this. Put everything in the NES for plex and done. Its will a win win situation.
Or here is how you can manage the special ones:
-Random loots form combat, scanning, mining sites
Just a few in my minde now. So please dont do this money bundle special thing. I think is turn away many people from it.

I agree, the SKINR would be much more usable if we could preview all options on our ship, including the patterns and colours we do not yet have.

I would be more inclined to spend PLEX on patterns and colours if I know the end result looks good.

As it is right now I don’t know how a certain pattern will look on my ship. I’m not going to pay PLEX to buy everything just to see if one of the patterns ‘may be nice’.


I never said with no effort, I will pay for the skin design I want to create but how can I create it when I can’t try the elements together?
once I have the design I want, I will still need to get all the elements form market, drops, exploration,…in order to create and use this design.


First SKINR workshop / art class when ??

I’m in need of design lessons in a social environment with exchange of splatters, stains and funny expressions.

P.S. CCPellease a Polka Dot pattern pellease !

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The point is that it’s not really a ‘studio’ is it? It’s more of a ‘trial’ experience.

If you’re a designer/artist you want the opportunity to explore what’s possible. There’s an opportunity here for a third party website to supply all the possible design elements so that designers/ artists can go there and work on their dream designs and then return to the game and figure out how to acquire those elements.

This system does not showcase you the possibilities and then make you work to earn them. Instead it hides the possibilities. For a designer/artist the dream design is the incentive that fuels participation in acquiring the goods. No dream design, no incentive. You’re being asked to make great art with a blindfold on.

It’s dumb.


It’s not even fully released yet… And already you want everything, right now, without discovery.

I agree, it actively punishes you for exploring the possibilities. I think that that red will work well, so I risk purchasing it, NOPE, not what I expected. How about this blue, Nope. This other shade of red, Nope. Ok that’s enough. Lesson learned don’t buy colours, don’t participate. I get it, thank you for the lesson CCP.

what discovery are you talking about? you see all the elements in the paragon tab, you just can’t work with them in the studio to see if a design yo make works.