Ship Skiner

What is the ‘everything’ that you are referring to? I did not list everything, I listed a specific thing.

I’m not going to go into a back and forth.

Let CCP cook, wait till it’s actually officially launched and perhaps had one iteration. Until then stop crying and demanding.

Speak for yourself, the only person with tears in their eyes here is you. It’s a wonder you can type anything with all the blubbering, rescuing, white knighting, and demanding we wait, and demanding that we’re demanding, that you’re doing.


Not what he wants.

What he want’s is to be able to determine whether a design he has created is worth pursuing further.

He’s using the word PLEX but he is asking for two separate things and his use of the word PLEX could be replaced with ISK or Trade, or ‘Information regarding the where about of’.

You are purposefully ignoring the other part of the request, as you have done in your other replies. The other part of the request refers to the fact that as it exists in it’s current form a person cannot determine whether a particular colour that is being offered, or a particular pattern that is being offered will actually ‘work’ with the idea that they have in mind.

How can I know what it is that I want to purchase with PLEX or ISK or to Trade for, or to go searching for within the universe if I cannot see it?

I cannot create my vision, I cannot see my vision. I cannot know my vision. Instead I’m left to stab in the dark. Am I playing Pokemon Go? Is that the idea? Or am I designing my perfect ship skins?

As it stands right now, what has been published is not a design studio, it’s a game of ‘Pokemon Go’. Got to catch 'em all. It’s a Lucky dip.

And that’s ok, CCP can publish whatever game they want. It’s just important to designers and artists that it be recognised that this addition to the game hasn’t been designed for artists and designers, its more for the ‘completionist’ game play style. And that’s a shame because I think that a lot of artists and designers really had their hopes set on this being a cool experience.


I agree that it is prohibitively expensive to participate especially when you consider that you might not actually be producing the optimum skin of your choice because you have no idea what else you could have made if you had had access to all the possibilities to experiment with. That is not to say that you ought to be able to publish a design without first somehow acquiring the design elements but without being able to know of and explore the full range of possibilities… it begs the question, what second rate output am I actually buying here?

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You mean for people who actually undock, interact with the game world and (thus) other players, not only looking for content but also being content in the process. Not everything in EVE needs to be a spreadsheet for people who start screeching when they run into other people who might (gasp) affect them.

Besides that, the amount of effort, time and investment it takes to get a running MMO from “can’t have any skins”, to then have basic skins, to then be able to have player created skins is a gargantuan task that takes years of updates of all kinds of systems within the game, not just the graphics engine.

It’s an ongoing process that leads to something that isn’t a core feature nor requirement to play the game, it is at best a nice to have and that isn’t going to pay their bills now is it. CCP has been investing for years to get to this point so of course it’s going to cost. Anyone thinking otherwise isn’t being realistic and the FOMO crying is both annoying as hilarious.

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I couldn’t care less about how hard it is to implement. I am not a game designer and don’t want to be.

The tool they have added to the game would be better if you could preview components you don’t yet own.


It would also be better if every time you used it it gave you 10 bil isk. “would be better” is fairly meaningless and quite arbitrary.

recycle unwanted skins pls
flogging the uglies is a pain, at least give us a slim chance of gaining a composition element

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so many unfounded assumptions. and always putting others down for what? so your argument would sound better?
so, I live in null, exploring all the time, doing ded, sleepers ratting hunting officers, interacting with other players,…so not someone who doesn’t undock.
skimpy? I always buy a subscription for the whole year with usd even though I can easily play for free with the risk I make in game.
you just don’t understand what others are writing. all these elements I want to be a part of the studio are already in the paragon hub so we can see them so no need to discover them. all I say is that we want the option to use them in the design before we buy these elements, buy or find them in game, or get them from the market or from interactions with others in game. what’s hard to understand about that? and opening this for a discussion here is not crying about it or being a 6 year old. its a discussion on something I think would be better for the game and also for ccp as i think that this way more ppl will actually buy elements as they know they are working with their design.

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That’s why my first reply was this:

And then you started sulking and typed this:

And that made you a whiny 6 year old.

It would be super cool to have options for hull lighting, engine glows and FX (some of the Abyssal Gila SKINs come to mind).


No. I do not mean for people who actually undock. interact with the game world and (thus) other players, not only looking for content but being content in the process.

In fact this is a completely irrelevant statement as far as my position is concerned. My argument has nothing to do with how a person plays the game, play however you like. My argument has to do with how the design system (or lack there of) functions or more to the point ‘fails to function’, which is a point that you seem entirely incapable of understanding no matter how many times it is spelled out for you.

So now it’s my turn to ask a question, are you being deliberately dense? Or is it a condition that you simply can’t do anything about?

Your entire argument here is based on an assumption that you have not enquired into, tested or verified. The really stupid part is that I agree with the idea that EVE is made more fun when there is content to participate in and I’d argue for that outcome all day if it were relevant here. However that has nothing to do with the point as I have expressed it.

Try responding to my entire posts instead of quoting me out of context like a five year old with limited comprehension skills.

WTF are you on crack? At no point in time have I mentioned the cost as an issue. Let me be perfectly clear. The price has nothing to do with it. The only thing annoying and hilarious is your complete inability to comprehend the meaning of a sentence. To read further than the first line and to quote in context.

This thread isn’t by you nor about you, it’s about the OP who stated

You have resigned your argument. I accept your resignation. To concede an argument, as you have done, is a noble act requiring courage and the ability to look critically at oneself and ones beliefs and to accept the flaws in ones thinking in pursuit of greater knowledge and understanding. Good on you for choosing this difficult path and well done. Best of luck with your brain going forwards.

As “no u” go, you’re trying too hard.

You’ve been podded. Your resignation has been accepted, please direct all future correspondence toward a garbage can within your general vicinity. You have no argument. You lost and you know it and now, now instead of offering anything remotely useful to your case, you have instead chosen to descend into this game of insults. Unfortunately for you and your poorly fit ship I have gotten the jump on you in that respect as well. You will respond to this reply, that is a given, you won’t be able to help yourself. Regardless, since you have offered no actual counter-points and I have already outdone you at the game of ridicule , ‘here here’, this will be my final reply, to you, on this matter.

That reeks of the run-on sentences carebears do when they’re freaking out because they exploded and they can’t handle it. You know, the “I made profit from the insurance, so thanks!”

Quick question. Does the contents of the event login reward Sequencer box depend on whether you are Alpha or Omega when you open it?

That I couldn’t say, but I imagine it’s the same for both.