Ship Skiner

Eh, i think you’re either missing the point the OP was trying to make or are very much against something that doesn’t make a lot of sense

He wants to be able to PREVIEW all the available patterns and colours so he can decide what he might want to hunt for specifically to buy, the same as you can PREVIEW all available ship skins without owning any of them

I’m not actually against this as it would mean we can preview things before activating them, sure i could go spend 500mil on a pattern on the market but then not actually like the pattern because i had no way to see what it would look like before i activate it

I think the SKINR tool should be updated to allow you to preview all combinations, as it stands someone WILL create an external tool to do this at some point if CCP doesn’t, so its mostly just in their best interest to let people view the patterns ingame, that place where they are able to immediately buy them should they like the skin they create


It’s not even fully out yet and given how one can expect a release like this to go in steps it’s just best to wait it out while having a looksee, let CCP do their thing and once the early adopter fomo people paid for their early access it’ll all be improved and rolled out. I explained this to him in the first reply, in a normal manner.

He kept on going because he is unable to understand that what we have right now is just the basics and that, for now, it doesn’t make much sense to invest or commit (unless you really want to but then, just like early access, have to accept issues). Then someone else chimed in and his reply essentially went “well if that’s the case I want this to fail”, because that is totally a sane and mature way of looking at it.

And that is where I stopped being nice.

It’s the sort of attitude of people who buy beta access to a game, paid extra to get 3 day early access (for no real reason other than “gimme now”), to then cry about the game having issues. Dunno about how others see that but to me that’s low IQ idiocy.

I so DGAF about this skin thing.

Having said that.

If you are going to make a cash grab mechanic, you might as well do it right from release. Else everyone that tries it and gets disillusioned at how bad it is, is another lost customer who isn’t coming back when/if you ever get around to making it actually attractive, intuitive, and easy to preview.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


This skin stuff is the culmination of years of incremental updates to the game, all the way back to battling the spaghetti code. It’s invested time, effort and focus for something that isn’t a core game play or mechanics. You can bet your ass they want and need to be paid for that, it’s just that early adopter fomo peeps pay more, for their 3 day early access.

It being the "basics has literally nothing to do with his request and you flying off the handle over a very rational request, you act like he asked you to go kick a puppy, asking for the ability to preview all the design elements is 100% a rational thing to ask for, it was literally one of the first things i myself noticed when it came to using the tool

I still don’t see what any of your points had to do with it because all your initial messages were written like you thought the OP was asking to get all the elements for free without buying them, which was 100% not what he asked for


He wants everything unlocked to view, no wonder, no looking around the game world, no interacting with others. He wants is now right now, without effort, before the full feature is even rolled out.

And if he doesn’t get what he wants, he wants this to fail.

You mean, like you can already do with skins and ships?

Yeah i think you just don’t want to admit you made a mistake, its ok i get it, i’ve done the same myself in the past, to err is human

You can already preview all the skins in the game, and unless you BUY and ACTIVATE a SKINR element you literally cannot view it on your own design, and you can’t genuinely be advocating that paying 35 PLEX just to be able to PREVIEW a skin element is right or justified

Just take the L and walk away, i won’t think any less of you


What if there being some unknowns (like in early access stuff) where not everything is out in a spreadsheet just yet and people actually wonder what options exist (because who knows right!) and people do new discoveries that causes them to chat and interact with others instead of just a game window or a spreadsheet, is actually really cool and at the very least a valid way of looking at it.

You can disagree with that and that is completely fine and we can have a normal discussion on that. But when the 6 year old starts stamping his foot because if he doesn’t get what he wants right now he wants it to fail, then I’ll treat him as such.

I don’t think it’s necessarily bad, per say. It just needs a few tweaks to allow more saved designs and a few minor bug fixes with respect to some renderings that don’t seem to be working on Upwell hulls and the preview icons for saved designs.

I can simulate my ship and put any module available in the game in the fitting simulation.
Would you fit ships if you dont have that possibility?


It’s a fair point. The issue is that a lot of design elements aren’t currently available through Paragon in the SKINR, so it would probably take some work to add-in all the rare elements for viewing and re-work the Studio to allow you to preview any color or pattern.

I’m not sure how this would then work when players then go to find said design elements and can’t because they can only be found on the market (or are unavailable due to rarity).

There’s no point in arguing with Aisha over points she doesn’t want to grasp. She doesn’t want to get it, even if you lay out every little detail letter by letter for her. She doesn’t even understand that just because you can use all the SKINR studio items for skin simulation stuff like chatting with other people about them or trying to find the license loot drops wouldn’t go away. Aspects like these can’t go away because, first of, you can already see the effects on a ship (but not use them in a proper skin simulation), and secondly, the unlocking aspect remains intact, ie. the drive to find these items to unlock a permanently free or limited free usage remains as well.

3 people told her that already, but she simply refuses to understand this.


She/He ( I think it’s a guy ) doesn’t “refuse” to understand it. He’s simply too proud to admit that someone else is right and too dense to understand it.


If it can be made it can be previewed.

If an element is rare, that could be reflected in some additional lore stating as such.

e.g. This element is a relic of the Jovian Empire etc etc. and difficult to attain. etc.etc.

I understand that point just fine. I simply have a different view of there being things to discover and for people to interact their findings with others about is really cool. Not everything needs to be documented right from the start, there being unknowns is not a bad thing and not everything needs to be optimised for clicklicklick spreadsheet turbo aspies.

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Wow, a very collected post. :+1:

The problem with that is that there is nothing to discover. To my understanding, all the currently available colors, patterns and effects are already previewable in the SKINR. However, only on their own and not as part of a skin design. So, you can already see all the things, there is nothing to discover for real via exploration or the market. The only thing this current system does is limiting the possibilities and require you to buy something you cannot return if you don’t need it. Unless there are really new colors, patterns and effects to be discovered that are not available in the Paragon Hub shop already, this is not exactly ideal.

I guess you think of this as a system like the tuning garage in NFS games where colors, patterns and effects are locked behind a progression. But as far as I remember, you could still use these to see how they looked on your car but couldn’t apply them until you unlocked them.

Today, I found one of these currently locked colors in a data site and the things literally only allow me to use them once after activation. This would not change at all under a system where you have access to all the things for the design phase and need to pay PLEX to finish the design phase.


Sounds like something that would make it worthwhile for people who want to focus on this, making them stand out from the others. Effort and scarcity add value.

Yes, absolutely, and this wouldn’t change if you could use all the available C/P/E to design skins in the studio. Just like now, you’d only get a free usage when you turn your design into a skin. The difference is that you can actually see if you like what you can do with a C/P/E before wasting Plex/ISK on it and find after the fact that it’s a bad match.

is that what you understood form what I wrote???
“I hope it doesn’t work well”,…so they will make the changes I was taking about.
this is what is to be understood from what I wrote.
at no point I said I want this whole skiner thing to fail!

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never said I want this skinnier to fail! don’t invent stuff I never said!!!
and to be able to preview stuff that IS ALREADY IN THE PARAGON HUB doesn’t change anything in the way you still need to look around the game, explore, buy or get the elements for a design.
its still the same effort to get the stuff.
and saying the full features will come is unfounded. if its in the paragon hub then it can also be in the skiner, it was left out for a reason. and that reason is why I opened this discussion.

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