Ship Skiner

You said what you said and you meant what you said.

these elements are already in paragon, nothing to discover about them. what so hard to understand about it? they are just not in the skiner. if there are elements that are to be discovered and are not in the paragon, then I never said these should be in the skiner.

you also read minds now?

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Scarcity is good. It add value, interaction with others and value/meaning. And as said, itg’s not even fully out yet so if you want to be an early adopter fomo having “early access” you can pay the $130 box price, while crying about how it’s all so expensive.

OR you can just wait till it IS rolled out and perhaps had an update or two and I bet at that point it’ll be out for everyone and by then this issue will be “fixed” because (very obviously) this limiting is created on purpose to milk FOMO peeps.

I beg to differ. You said what you said and you probably meant what you said.

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Don’t troll, you’re better than that.

Not so - there are a ton of limited/unlimited colors and patterns not viewable through SKINR.

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Right now the (cheapest) option is to purchase a limited version of the color on the market and preview it that way.

Actually the cheapest option is to do nothing.


Wouldn’t it be fitting the (original) concept of EVE if designers had to transport their newly created SKINs in their ships and other capsuleers had the opportunity to blow them up and grab them SKINs for free?



Now that’s discovery!

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Something goes “click” when someone says something nice about “scarcity”.


Thats not very " Eve" , now is it?

still not created any new skins! seems pointless with the price of the skins !!

Sure, but then the discussion is kind of moot…

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Yeah, about half the time (render) and half the price (PLEX) would seem more reasonable.

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Isn’t that the OP’s point, that unless there’s a way to preview an element effectively, the whole system is moot.

Define “effectively”? Aside from some subtle differences, red looks red, black looks black… Matte, satin and gloss are fairly easy to figure out. The metallics can be quite different but there aren’t that many of them. Patterns are the easiest as you can get a pretty good idea just from the preview icon.

This is still SKINR 1.0, so lots of time for improvements.

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In that case, at least those that are currently visible in the SKINR studio should be usable for skin designing without prior purchase.

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I assume you’re referring to the limited ones in the Paragon hub that are available for purchase with PLEX?