Ship Skiner

Yes, exactly.

Although I also think that you should be able to use SKINR C/P/E that you find on the market or an exploration site to design skins without having to activate them. Buying a pig in a poke without being able to return the pig is not ideal.

In accordance with that logic there could be no reason for you to purchase anything beyond the default pallet. You have already been provided all the colours, red, green, blue, orange, yellow, purple, brown, white, and black, so you’re set.

Effectively, in this instance would be the ability to perform surface transformations with the prospective pattern across the object matrix and from that experiment determine whether that design will produce the desired result and is therefor fit for purpose.

These design elements are costed at a premium and that’s fine, but if you’re selling a premium product your customers are going to want to test drive to insure that they’re getting what they paying for.

Perhaps it’s a different experience for you, perhaps your method is to apply the pattern, make no changes to it, and simply print whatever output that action produces.

Are we to ‘hope’ that CCP will guess what aspects of the design to review rather than, as users, produce feedback and meaningful dialogue?

The argument, that ‘this is an early version so… stop drawing attention to potential issues’ makes no sense. Yes, there is time for change, and we’re in it now, so now is the time to be in it and to inform the direction of that change.


At the very least, perhaps be able to open up the design element in SKINR to preview it?

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My point is that I have a reasonably good idea what most of the colors and patterns look like (especially the patterns, as it gives you a pretty good idea just from the icon).

If I choose to buy a matte/satin I’m going to because maybe the gloss is free but I’d like that color in a different sheen.

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The price isn’t what bothers me really, its the nickle and diming that turns something that you’d think would be cheap into something that costs half a month sub in PLEX, and likely more if enough people gaslite themselves into thinking that Skinning is the new industry and PLEX is the new datacores.

Designing a personal, one off skin should be a simple one time fee of plex, paint, and camo, designing a skin to be sold should be a more expensive one time fee that you can print more of for sequencers components to sell on the market, and for alliances and corps you can pay an expensive 1 time fee to offer the skin to your entire organization

But the current system is simply way, way too expensive for a single one use skin on a single character.

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I guess, yes. But since these elements are meant to be used as part of a composition of different elements, I don’t think that’s enough to be able to adequately appreciate their usefulness for a design. A step in the right direction, nonethless.

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I’m more interested in fleet skins , make a cheap skin that looks effective for your fleet doctrine . With corp logo .

Give the group you fly with more identity,

And if you think it’s a cash cow for CCP and object don’t get involved

Think we might need more that 5 skin slots though


I’m guessing fleets could all decide a three colour theme?

The cost I looked at would be upwards of 40 plex each fleet member.

So im reading through all these. EVE used to be where CCP never showed the full deck and made exploration or in game testing whatever to find whatever it was. That was one thing i loved about EVE. “Why didnt CCP show us this?” “They want us to find it in game”.

Theres plenty of instances like that where over the years CCP would drop hints or whatever but the players had to do the work to find it. So is the consensus now that we want everything handed to us?

I get both points, wanting to preview all available options before buying, but i also get the point its not fully fleshed out and if theres some really kickass designs out there, then it should be up to us to find them before gettjng to see them.


Anything involving PLEX should be transparent and up front as possible.

I can understand earning unique skinner elements from events or various activities to give you the ability to represent, such as faction/pirate camo and colors from corrosponding LP stores.

Problem is some elements are put into the RNG monthly daily login rewards, that is anti-EVE as you’re not actively persuing a goal but simply waiting for a time based RNG slot machine to give you your chance to get it.

I really hope, and it would look like it, that they are keeping with that tradition. They spent lots of time and money to come up with a nice way to paint our ships, they shouldn’t give it all away immediately but let the players discover it all as they go about engaging with content and getting loot. Nice surprises lead to more expectations which make players log in for the game itself.

Want something cool? Play the game!!

Agree to disagree since PLEX can be bought with ISK

ISK should be the only exception as the whole point of PLEX in the first place is to curtail third party RMT not to act as a gold/gem gacha currency.

Well, I for myself will only begin creating skins when I have the option to browse through previews of the available options, so I can play around with the combinations before purchase. As long as this isn’t possible, I either stick to the available Skins I can browse or simply ignore the feature. If CCP wants some of my money, let me view and try before I pay.

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There’s nothing preventing anyone from playing around with and saving a few designs. Design elements do drop with activities, so over time everyone will collect at least (some) additional colors and patterns and then you can update as you see fit.

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For yourself previewing the patterns is a non-issue, does it hurt you that for users who are more particular and detail oriented with their design process that there be access to a more powerful preview feature?

None. I’m just not sure there’s an easy way to achieve what you’re asking with the current iteration of SKINR. You have:

• Collection - elements that you have unlocked (either free base elements or limited/unlimited ones that you’ve acquired)
• Paragon Hub - everything available for sale with PLEX.

Just my two iskies.

The system as currently implemented is… okay. It allows you to have a play around and gradually develop a vision for what the SKINR system can do. However, as has been noted by others, the lack of being able to preview every currently implemented material and pattern is furstrating. You can’t preview a colour or pattern without buying it (either from the market or from the Hub): this is a major limiting factor in creativity.

Could I design a SKIN that is ‘roughly’ what I want with the colours and patterns I have to hand? Sure. Absolutely. But to use my beloved Kronos SKIN I’ve been designing as an example, paying 200+plex and having a wait time of 22 days, for something ‘roughly’ like what I want? No thank you. For that price and time investment, I want ‘EXACTLY’ the design I want (within the limitations or colours and patterns currently implmented in the game). I’m not paying that price in isk, plex and time to just experiment with sub-optimal designs.

We can design and create fits (using every module in the game) to see what a finished build will look like long before we even step foot in Jita to buy the materials/modules. Why can’t we design a SKIN and see what we need to go shopping for in terms of colours or patterns? I’m sure this will be iterated upon and additional functionality added as time goes on, but for now? The ship SKINR system is not yet fully fit for purpose. The costs in time, isk and plex are simply too prohibitive at this point for anything other than the space-barbie equivalent of doodling.

For some, the basic functionality and options are fine for them. If so, then go for it. Have fun.
For me, I want something a bit more robust and the ability to fine-tune, preview all options to get just the perfect balance of colours, textures and patterns before I commit to an absurd waiting time for the SKIN to be processed (not to mention the cost). I’ve waited this long for this kind of system to be in-game; I can wait a few more months CCP to make a system worth actually using (beyond being an alternative to ship-spinning).


the point I made was not about undiscovered elements, its was about elements and colors that are already discovered and are in the paragon hub but can’t be previewed in the skiner without buying them first.
I completely agree that elements that are still to be discovered out there in space should not be in paragon or skiner, but once something is discovered and is in paragon hub, then it should also be in the skiner for preview.

So far I have made 2 skins I really like and would like to sequence one I have already made. Can I sequence that skin again and then give/sell it to another character I own? That part I was not sure if we can even do that yet?