I was wondering why the Praxis and Marshal ships and others in their line are not in the Ship tree ?
Was also wondering why destroyers are the 1 class without a faction variant. Wouldn’t mind seeing these, but instead of the same ship design, maybe change it up a little, to distinguish it more.
Its less about age and more how they are obtained, so yeah those ships aren’t really on the ship tree because of that, not to mention, the concord ships don’t belong to a single faction and you don’t really need a ship tree of 3 ships lol
I have a question -what is the purpose of the ship tree?
I ask, because I think the answer to that question will help answer what ships should be added to it.
Personally, I look at the ship tree as a way to help newer players see what ships are available, and to help give them a vague sense of progression. So, from that perspective, I don’t think it make sense to add AT ships (as well as some of the weird ships like the primae) which most players will never fly. However, adding the SoCT ships would make sense, as it would help some newbros to discover some relatively affordable and low skill ships that can help them punch above their weight.
Completely unacceptable. You should always finish what you st
To me, the ship tree is to let me know what ships are available in the game, what class each ship is under and for an overall view of what role each has… in other words, information, and that’s why I believe ALL ships should be showcased in the ship tree, from the least known to the well known.