Siege Green - Structure Updates Now Avaialble for Testing

They should do this and remove the requirement to have a core while they are at it. I always thought that a stealthy structure would help smaller groups and when structures were first proposed I asked for something like this.

I like Brisc, and he takes a lot of crap from people who get at him because of what he is rather than what he says. I always think that he does try to listen and take other viewpoints, but I have seen a change in that he is aggressively dismissive and no longer tries to understand others viewpoint. This is not a personal attack, because I liked how he was before.

The issue is that he is part of the biggest blob in the game and if they come at you with any CTA for a sig or a main fleet operation and you are a small group then he is right.

However we have PH and Test on our door, and we had them poking at moons, not at the CTA level, but at the corp level with friends, when of course they are able to coincide with CTA’s then yes there is no fight from our side, however outside of that the fight was them running away leaving the odd wreck or two.

Brisc is oblivious of this type of event, and as such is missing a hell of a lot of content that happens and by definition CCP are too. With the removal of the armour timer this content will be gone, and it is a tragedy for this game. I know that this change will be implemented no matter what we say here, CCP just do it once it is in testing phase so this is a done deal.