Signature Radius Suppressors a sledgehammer hit towards shield tankers

I know, its cool, I was just making the point that just because the OP desires something, it doesnt mean there’s any purpose in giving it to them. Does this sig radius reduction REALLY make that much of a difference in a Raven? (I assume its a Raven cos tradtion. Could be one of those spacewhale rust tubes everyone likes these days I suppose)

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I’m not an expert on this, but I imagine that it will quite useful when it comes to fighting drifters. It might also help battleships become more viable in PvP. Of course, it will depend heavily on the damage application of your enemies, but the mod does sort of act like an ADCU, except for sig instead of resists (thus, it won’t be as powerful). Of course, I too think it will benefit armor tanked ships more than shield. That being said, I’m not too worried about it. I haven’t poured over damage graphs in Pyfa or anything, but I doubt this will kill shield tanking on BS’s.

For PvE? I guess not. It’s a passive 10% reduction in sig radius that counters the sig increase from one of your large shield extenders or shield rigs, I suppose. People slap those shield rigs and extenders without much thought about the increased sig, so I really wonder why you would want to put this new module on a shield battleship if you care that much about your sig.

Get an armour battleship if you want a low signature. And then you won’t have this module compete with tank modules.

For PvP? This module is like an assault damage control against a bomb run. Could possibly make battleship PvP fleets more viable.

Fair dos.

I just dont see 10% doing a lot and short of bashes I havent encountered may PvP BS in… well ever really.

Still, if it works it works.

Never really got the whole “Shields increase sig” thing anyway. Armour should increase sig by virtue of wieght and mass being added.

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It is the equivalent of armour slowing ships down, but for shield ships:

Application of weapons is reduced by small signature and high speed.

Armour gives HP but makes you slower → weapons apply better
Shield gives HP but makes you bigger → weapons apply better

(Of course you could also choose active tanking, which doesn’t increase sig or slow you down, but then you’re very reliant on capacitor and you can more easily be killed with a high alpha strike.)

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YEah this is kind of part of the root as to why EvE’s combat is terrible and makes no sense.

I mean, it makes sort of sense within itself, I guess, but really is part of the reason why the mechanical act of combat in EvE is really really dull, isnt intuative and is as obfuscated as much of the rest of the game.

Armour should slow, increase sensor footprint but be very effective.

Shield much less effective but quicker charging and have no effect on much apart from your cap. And virtually no effect on the hull itself. (Larger Sensor footprint could be argued, but really thats just going to be based on a shield ships “hotter” powerplant).

Infact, the whole balance of “racial” ship types is completely whack.

Sorry, now Im the one going “I want this” lol.

But yeah, the reason Ive never got into PvP is I just dont get the “logic” that the combat system is designed around.

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You make a good point, as the Signature Radius Suppressors does actually tweak the outer exterior of the ship in terms of the sig radius, the covert ops cloaking device already does that. So from that perspective it would suit better as a utility high slot.

I don’t get the rules, there’s to many of them. Well, other than in null and wormholes systems anyway.
Aside from that there are so many kinds of ships and so many people making different fits for them that to me it’s impossible to tell what anyone is capeable of. That will change eventually but going on two years in I’m still mostly clueless.
One of my first battleships was killed by a frigate, solo, and there wasn’t a thing I could do to stop it. I still don’t know how it happened.

EDIT: I hit send by accident…

They’re actually pretty pointless. Nobody is sig tanking in a ■■■■■■■ battleship.

and shield battleships are very powerful anyway

I prefer shield tanks because there are usually less buttons to press.

and the more EHP you have the more they heal
thats magic
i have to pay… like with isk … every time a wanker shot at me at amarr undock

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Just smell Aiko’s butt some more and you won’t be shot at.


"Run and you shall be crushed.

Stand and you shall fall.

Kneel and you shall be saved."

  • Emperor Arrach Sarum. CE 21423

What a bunch of crock.

Yeah never understood people who have more pride than self-preservation.

If kneeling lets you get another shot at kicking the Emperor in the doot, Ill kneel away no probs.


et tu, Brute?

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Basically. Either you are in range of missiles or not. Or a rail Rokh running a 200 km plus setup.,

And a rokhs sig radius is so fat even hg halos is not doing a damn thing lol.

Machariel unles some new meta arose speed tanks. Not sig tank.

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