Skill extractor vs. zombie farms

Unfamilar with term, zombie farm is having a bunch of alpha PI farms? Its not realy totaly passive isk because you need to send the stuff to orbital rig each week, then when have enough move it so many systems over to where you want to sell it, if you react the stuff thats more isk but again more work.

The only real way to make zombie farms effectively impossible to run is to make it so you have to grind out XP WoW-style.

… yeah.

Enforcing a limit on the number of accounts or toons would just slow them way down, but not kill them entirely. And… I’ve seen what happens when you try to do that in an EVE-like game with a heavy emphasis on passive systems for logistics. Corps and alliances look the other way when someone runs all the sock puppets doing whatever.


Necro reply much? How did this not auto lock due to inactivity?