Skill injector and pay to win effect

When “people” leave can I has your stuff?

If ccp do not change the course of the game to more casual you will be left alone here and can have all the stuff in the universe…

Gee no one has ever said that before, and look we are still here and the people who say that are long gone.

Guess what, when you leave it won’t matter, no one cares, your money is a drop in the bucket and you won’t be missed. The game won’t end. You will just be left with the knowledge that you quit when the going got tough.

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Can you tell me what it is you would like? What is your vision for a happy, healthy New Eden that will prosper and grow? Genuinely interested in how you would accomplish this and who and what playstyles you feel would be eligible as a sacrifice to achieve your aims?

Same goes to you if you ragequit over “a too WOW like game”…:slight_smile:

Keep having these fantasies.

Reality is I just opened a 6th Omega, I’m not going anywhere.

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I stated this so many times,i would suggest you read my post history :slight_smile:

NO pvp in high other than sanctioned by both sides(duel rule),so no ganking,no(which is dead anyway) can flipping,no gate camps ect. Simply give PVE a place to be undisturbed,this includes moving lvl 5 to high.

PVP can happen in low and null,those areas are more than large enough,but strictly seperate PVP and PVE.

ONLY this will heal the game from the casuals leaving.

Who wants to PVP has to enter WILLINGLY the low(PVP) area but in high you have a safe heaven you cannot be bothered by this strange hobby…

MOST if not all of the games today have PVP in closed areas you have to enter willingly so this is NOT outrageous and it’s about time EVE closes up to them and finally arrives in 2019…

In that case would you be averse to having the financial rewards for PVE in a safe place massively reduced? Risk vs reward is clearly an important aspect of the game. I would suspect that at very least a 50% drop in returns would be required, with 65-75% reduction being more realistic.



Because it’s safe to make money there?

You also can go to high,this is called free will…a reduction of the benefit is not needed…

Prices will rise because the isk count will but so what?
Prices rise anyway due to the large alliances financial politics…look at plex alone…so this changes nothing…

This seems obvious to me. Your only danger will be from NPCs and they aren’t particularly scary in hisec.

I’m not interested in price changes. What I’m saying is that if you have practically zero risk then surely you need to pay for that in some way? It could be any number of ways, massively reduced bounties / lp payouts for hisec agents for example.

My point is you can’t have your cake and eat it, you see?

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Its ok you wont be alone.

Im still here x

Me too. I have more fun playing on this 10m sp character than any of my other 100m sp plus characters, but I keep them subbed just in case I feel like doing something different.

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Damm, your stuff was my retirement plan :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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So here we are?

The “skilling spree” discussion level?

What is so bad in getting things easy may it be money or other things?

No one,i repeat NO ONE forces you to get it easy…you still can do “demanding things” in low,but the logic in demanding that EVERYONE has to have it the hard way is completely off ime…who wants it shall do it,everybody can have it easy if he likes but no one has to…

I don’t get why this should be a problem.


I cant find half of it as it is lol

Oh you just gave me an idea!!

Basic economics in a player driven market, dingus

Exactly that’s the problem some have with you …:slight_smile:

That they cant find half my stuff?



I already said things will change…