Skill injector and pay to win effect

I have to disagree there has to be risk to balance the meager rewards.

There should be PvP but I think allowing known criminals into hi-sec should be blocked.

After all whats the point of police if they let the worse criminals go through their gates.

This allows pvp but also means that criminals have to restore their status to positive before they do it again. Same as Orca pilot that allow criminals to use their fleet hanger should suffer sec status penalties.

That your stuff is not the stuff of the majority :slight_smile:

So you want to get rid of EvEs biggest, main USP?

Yeah good luck finding any support for that.

This is all about protecting the unwilling…

Who don’t want pvp have to be able to avoid by mechanic and without having to rapidly click on the scanner…

Who want to PVP has 2/3 if not more of the whole server left…so agaion…no outrageous demand here…

Thats the most bizairre thing youve said.

Lets put that together…

People have a problem with me because I cant find half my stuff and its the stuff of the majority?

So… Like I often say… Property is theft, and all material belongs to the People? Is that what you are saying?

Or is only half the material?

Ever heard of the term “ironic” and/or “reading between the lines” ? :slight_smile:

Yes, but how do these apply?

What are you trying to say?


The question alone proves i’m right :stuck_out_tongue:

You talk some gibberish, and say that not understanding it proves something.

Have you ever read back your own responses?

Hey everyone, obvs Im a dumb, can someone explain what hes on about this time?

Irony and subtext were two different things last time I checked.

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But you rarely have pvp you did not wish, unless you are an easy target or a profitable target.

Yes the miner bumping lot did cause a lot of players to leave, and I still think they are too generous in allowing bumping ships, pirates etc but You mitigate the rest of the risk by making ships either, invisible (where possible), well defended or not a tasty target.\

It is the very basis of EvE. Risk vs reward, which is why I am happy to see null being made harder to equal the rewards.

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Nothing to do with it.

This is a game with a complex and wide ranging economy served by players and resources from all walks of EVE life. All contribute and interact with it based upon their requirements and ultimately their need and wealth. It’s driven by conflict. How would you fit in?


You have hisec where conflict is now more easily avoidable than ever. Nobody is demanding anything. You seem to be though?

And there’s your problem.

I asked a genuine question and didn’t want or expect snark. When you’re ready to debate like an adult we’ll chat more.

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Thats always his point, he doesnt get why some people enjoy working for safety…

Oh gods, thats just what Queen Bee has been saying in Blackup Thread…



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Fayte your complete post was a failure…

I’m talking about a safe haven for PVE and you came with some irrelevant economic nonsense that the server will adjust to with ease…it is complete nonsense to even think the economy would be killed…it will adapt and changed yes maybe, even some people that are now incredibly rich will become poor(er) but that will be THEIR fault because they don’t react to a changed economy in the right way…

You cannot argue changes because they actually “change” something that’s very very very low standard…

Ok. Not going to bite.

Yes, you’ve made that abundantly clear.

Not what I said at all, but I’m getting the impression that what I said doesn’t really matter so, ok…

I’m sorry, you’ve lost me. I’m pretty sure it’s not because I’m stupid though.

Regardless, good luck with your crusade. I’m sure that someone will happen upon your writings at some point and understand what you’re trying to say. There’s also a slim chance they’ll agree and pick up your banner. Sadly, that’s not me.

I will say though that a totally risk free area would have to ensure that participants receive little or no income. A training ground if you will. But still if you’re going to do that you might as well play on Singularity.

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This game is so much more than pvp and risks…sad part is that you fail to see that PVP and risk is totally irrelevant for this game…

Just because the relevance of PVP and risk is hammered into the brains of everyone by an interested(minor) group of people for years now does not make it true…

That’s right.

Who are you, or the people you’re selling to, or the people they’re selling to going to sell ships to?

Post edit point still stands.

Simple…i’m the one that say to those people they have to adapt or they will fail…

Literally Christ on a bike.

Goodnight, mate.

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Literally right…and that’s the problem some have with me…

They actually FEAR i could be right …

The certainities they pampered for years could break apart and this cannot be…it mustn’t…