Skill points not increasing

I changed an account from Alpha to Omega last week, did a remap and implanted some chips with the intention of farming the skill points for my main character.

The skill queue is counting down correctly but the skill point count is stuck at just over 5 mill.

Anyone else having this problem?

(I submitted a ticket but no reply so far)

If it is counting down correctly, it probably is just a display bug.

You could try the clear the cache to see if that unsticks it. Or check on another installation or app that uses the API to get the training info.

Have you finished a skill since you switched? The total SP count only changes ingame when skills finish training.

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Ah, that may be it - I set my skill queue to long items that I will be happy to de-skill to extract.

Will try putting a short train item in there

Iā€™m hoping it will be just a display thing, or it is like Rivr says.

Will let you both know, thanks.

Update: Yes, started a short train skill and the number of skill points has increased to something that looks about right

Seems that just reordering the queue updates it as well.

Thanks for the helps :slight_smile:

try something, pick a new skill, something with like 15 minutes training time for level 1, or around there. Put that in front of your skill que and shut down the game, come back in about 20 minutes, restart, see what happens.

Generally, pausing then unpausing the skill queue does it for me.

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All sorted now, thanks for the help to all

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