Everyone is wrong… and right. Lemme esplain.
The Magic 14 is a good skill set when you are unsure about what you want to train, as they benefit a wide range of ships and careers. Thus, you really can’t go wrong with them. However, if you know exactly what you want to do/fly, you may find you get more mileage out of other skills. For example, the spaceship command skills often provide extremely powerful bonuses per level, but they also apply to an extremely narrow range of ships. Long story short, what’s right for you can vary depending on your circumstances.
Anyway, PvP is a very broad category. Perhaps you can get some more specific advice if you say what kind of PvP you’re interested in (or if you’re just interested in PvP in general).
Also, do note that many groups will have skill plans to help you be able to fly their doctrine ships ASAP. So, depending on what you’re interested in, you might be better off joining a group first, rather than spending a lot of time “getting ready” to PvP. True, some groups only like to ■■■■with experienced, self-sufficient pilots. But many groups will happily invest in their newbros, because they know a certain percentage of them will stick around and become the badasses of tomorrow.
Sigh, I know many people are against telling newbros to join nullblocs because there are so many other play styles out there, but let’s face it -the nullblocs offer some very attractive benefits to newbros, including free ships, free skill books, training plans, SRP, classes and practicals, mentorships, and plenty of PvE and PvP content. Blob warfare might not be for everyone, but I think they do an amazing job of helping their newbros establish themselves. So, I maintain that they’re a good place to start, but that you should keep in mind that they aren’t everything that Eve has to offer. Thus, if you don’t like it, you should explore other areas of the game, rather than quit Eve. Anyway, some groups may have shut down recruitment due to the war, but Pandemic Horde should still be recruiting.