Skilling Spree - Event Feedback

Sorry Different time Zone. It should not be there after the next restart.


I think we’ve reached the end, so here’s my grand total.
Daily total SP (in thousands) for 10 characters:
160, 210, 185, 155, 130, 170, 170, 115, 130, 155, 115, 130, 130, 160, 170, 145, 145, 210, 115, 185, 155, 175, 155, 145, 130, 145, 115, 115

A total of 11 draws of 50k.

(as you can see: in the early days I got lucky. So my predictions then are not quite what turned out to be. I think your start was more ‘average’. Or were you low in hindsight?)

Totals for the characters:
355, 355, 395, 400, 425, 435, 450, 450, 455, 470
That’s a nice boost for each of them! :gift_heart:

One of them got 3 draws of 50 in the first week! He didn’t make the top 3 in the end.
The most unlucky streak was a 2 week long draw of 10k for a character (13 days to be exact). No surprise he ended up bottom of the list.

(NB: in reality I missed doing some of them (10 characters is a lot! I’m glad it’s over :dizzy_face: ) but these are the totals if I had done them all.)


Right you are… yep, weird for it to technically end on Wednesday, not on Tuesday (or go till the free SP giveaway on the weekend), but there we have it. By my count, 28 straight days of free SP tasks to be completed. Whew…

But as for “today” vs. “tomorrow.” I’m American, but when speaking about EVE I don’t usually use my own time zone… I refer to things happening as by their EVE time, ofc! and yet… to me, the EVE day doesn’t end at 0000, either. It ends at downtime, so 1100! :slight_smile:

Yes… this is the end, my friend. LET’S TALLY IT UP!

  1. 0x50k 3x25k 6x10k = 135k total for day 1
  2. 1x50k 0x25k 8x10k = 130k total for day 2
  3. 1x50k 2x25k 6x10k = 160k total for day 3
  4. 0x50k 3x25k 6x10k = 135k total for day 4
  5. 0x50k 2x25k 7x10k = 120k total for day 5
  6. 0x50k 2x25k 7x10k = 120k total for day 6
  7. 0x50k 2x25k 7x10k = 120k total for day 7
  8. 1x50k 2x25k 6x10k = 160k total for day 8
  9. 0x50k 2x25k 7x10k = 120k total for day 9
  10. 1x50k 3x25k 5x10k = 175k total for day 10
  11. 0x50k 1x25k 8x10k = 105k total for day 11
  12. 2x50k 1x25k 6x10k = 185k total for day 12
  13. 0x50k 1x25k 8x10k = 105k total for day 13
  14. 0x50k 0x25k 9x10k = 90k total for day 14
  15. 0x50k 2x25k 7x10k = 120k total for day 15
  16. 0x50k 0x25k 9x10k = 90k total for day 16
  17. 2x50k 4x25k 3x10k = 230k total for day 17
  18. 0x50k 4x25k 5x10k = 150k total for day 18
  19. 1x50k 2x25k 6x10k = 160k total for day 19
  20. 2x50k 2x25k 5x10k = 200k total for day 20
  21. 1x50k 0x25k 8x10k = 130k total for day 21
  22. 0x50k 1x25k 8x10k = 105k total for day 22
  23. 0x50k 1x25k 8x10k = 105k total for day 23
  24. 0x50k 4x25k 5x10k = 150k total for day 24
  25. 0x50k 0x25k 9x10k = 90k total for day 25
  26. 0x50k 1x25k 8x10k = 105k total for day 26
  27. 1x50k 2x25k 6x10k = 160k total for day 27
  28. 0x50k 1x25k 8x10k = 105k total for day 28

1a. 10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,25,10,10,10,25,10,10,25,10,10,10,10,10,10 = 325k*
2a. 10,10,25,10,10,10,25,25,10,10,10,25,10,10,10,10,25,25,25,10,10,10,10,25,10,25,10,10 = 415k
3a. 25,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,25,50,10,10,10,10,50,10,10,10,50,10,10,10,10,10,10,10 = 430k
1b. 10,10,25,10,10,10,25,10,25,10,10,50,10,10,10,10,50,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,25,10 = 420k
2b. 10,10,10,25,10,25,10,25,10,25,10,10,10,10,10,10,25,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,50,10 = 395k
3b. 10,50,10,25,25,10,10,50,25,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,25,50,25,10,10,10,25,10,10,10,10 = 490k
1c. 10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,25,10,10,25,10,10,10,25,25,10,50,10,10,10,25,10,10,25,25 = 425k
2c. 25,10,50,25,10,25,10,10,10,25,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,25,10,50,10,10,10,25,10,10,10,10 = 450k
3c. 25,10,10,10,25,10,10,10,10,50,10,10,10,10,25,10,25,10,10,25,10,10,25,10,10,10,10,10 = 410k

Personal totals and %ages in the end: 13x50k 48x25k 191x10k
5.2% 50k (down from 6.1%, which was up from 3.7%!)
19.0% 25k (down from 21.1%, which was down from 22.2%…)
75.8% 10k (up from 72.8%, which was down from 74.1%…)

Nothing (for me) could top day #17… (12, 17, 20 were my top 3 days)… that was the 2x50k 4x25k 3x10k masterpiece CCP’s RNGesus gave me that day… to put it in perspective, I never had a day with 4x10k, and I only had 2 days with 5x10k… most days were 6 or 7 or… well, really 8 or 9x10k, alas.

Of my most recently made alts (just this summer): 3b was a bit behind his co-alts 2b and 1b in SP… as I created the first two of that trio Amarr and him Caldari, and Caldari now start with less SP than Amarr, so… kinda cool for him to get the absolute most SP of any of my toons, catches him up a bit with the other two there.

However, of my other alts… this is where the OCD really kicks in here… 1c and 2c were both identical in SP. Same race, same training exactly (PI/cyno alts originally but now they’ve trained some core and combat skills for doing this SP event, too)… but 2c ends up with 450k vs. 1c’s 425k. ah well… 25k apart isn’t too too bad, at least. wish I could gift the excess 25k to 3c, though. ;D

(* - 325k, not 275k as I originally posted… yay for my main main having 50k more than I at first calculated! ;D)


Now that is over, a few comments.
It was too much of a grind. With three accounts, it was quite time consuming to go through logging in each and every pilot every day. It takes so long to just log in, most of my time was spent looking at the screen waiting for the game to load, rather than actually playing the game.
I would much prefer if the challenge at once per account, rather than per pilot. Or, if the challenges would accumulate for three or four days before timing out, so I would not spend so much time logging in and out. Or if the entire event was shorter.

It was a grind.


very lackluster event, very buggy, broken completely for some (like myself) who didnt even get to take part for week 1. For me after that all remaining weeks were bottom of the barrel. Would be better off if it never happened. Stirs dissent and forces divisions because people like me have to deal with people who were “lucky”. They didnt do anything wrong, or right or special, they were gifted “e-luck” and some of them gained a sense of “being better” and trying to act smug and superior and that those of us getting less for absolutely no reason outside of “e-luck” should essentially “suck it up” or “be grateful”.

now if the game hard coded them to have a month of appalling drop luck or whatever and those of us kicked to the 10k per day kerb suddenly gained inflated loot drops… well it would still be stupid, and still be a rubbish system.

please dont do an event using this system this again. If there was to be something similar maybe base it on a hard limit of daily SP with the SP earned by killing things. Include player ships too so ppl in pvp outfits dont feel “forced” to go kill sansha hideaways just to get the rewards.

maybe a npc frigate gives 100, destroyer 200, cruiser 400 battlecruiser 600 and battleship 800-1k
triple or possibly quadruple the payout for player piloted ships as pvp is far harder (understatement?) than blowing up some sansha noobfrigs. Simply set the hard limit per day to whatever you guys at CCP feels right if 10k is the go too then set it to 10k for everyone so regardless of playstyles theres no more false sense of “im better” because a fake number generator somewhere rolled someone a double 6 and the next guy a double 1

You sure 1a is added up correctly? Seems to be short.
For me,I had only 2x 25k days, the rest at 10k.
Total for 28 days would be 310k.
Sigh, well someone had to be at the left end of the bell curve…


How many points did you get? I got 435000.

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Gratz to you.

I didn’t engage in the event very much, just did a few tasks.

Also you misspelled Skilling

20,000. Boring event. Plus I have 70M sp.

It was a great event, sad to see it go.

I had a 1,5 bil chilling spree.

Then you’ll LOVE this


New Eden needs you to fight back against the Triglavians, so log in every day between 23 - 26 August and claim your free Skill Point rewards! Get up to 75,000 Skill Points as an Alpha, and up to 250,000 Skill Points as an Omega. Advance your combat capabilities, get better ships, weaponry, and defend New Eden!*


It was garbage. I bought new skis and a hat too. Complete waste of time.


Nice but not as much fun as the other one.

It was nice to log in after every DT and see the different figures.

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This way though Ill actually have time to play the game

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I thought that the 21st of August was the last day. #(

Once per account would work for me. doing it on all 3 toons on all 3 accounts was fun for statistical purposes, but not really fun on a having to log in to all three trios every day if I didn’t want to miss out on SP. Limiting it to one per account would be similar to the free SP gifts we get on our character select screens… would have to choose who to do the daily with… course, there’d be people forgetting and getting the SP on the “wrong” toons and all, but oh well!

Well, 1a never got a 50k, got the fewest 25k, etc… so definitely my lowest total of 'em all… however, double-checking my figures… yep, you’re right, I somehow did the math wrong on that one… it should be 325k, not 275k… bit better, I suppose! ;D but like I said in a previous post, 1a is my main main and has nearly 140m SP, so… by far my richest pilot by SP and doesn’t really need the help. Now, if it had been any other toon with so little, I’d have been sad. :wink:

It was. Technically. August 21st before downtime at 1100 EVE/GMT.


From my PoV, I would’ve preferred to earn my skill points not by logging in and “killing 1 NPC ship” but by completing a level-curve set of tasks. Level 1 = 10k, Level 2 = 25k, Level 3 = 50k. Anti-Triglav missions, or tasks, rather than grinding X random ships, because inevitably, it didn’t do much about the Triglavian population at all. It seemed easier to grind out with Lvl 4 or lower agent missions to accomplish standing gains and get the requisite ship kills for skills.

But that’s rather nit-picky. I’m grateful there were free skills at all, even if it ended up as a grind. A couple of alts I haven’t played in ten years came out of mothballs, which made me remember why I made them in the first place!


Yep - totally agree with this - the event should be on a per account basis rather than per character. I have only 2 accounts (6 chars) and logging in just those 6 chars every evening really felt like EVE was being dumbed down. It got very repetitive and boring.

Setting up events to encourage logging in more characters just for the sake of logging in is not the way to go. Better to have events to deliver a more enriching experience on a single character per account instead of grinding through the same events on every character on the same account. (FOMO)

One per account please and let it up to the player to use the SP on the character of their choosing.


I recovered all the skill points lost to the alpha drone SP nerf, and decided to consider it a “refund” for the daily alpha skill injectors I bought in the interest of bitterness/salt reduction. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: