SkillPlan on Proton [SOLVED]

I’m having trouble to load Skillplan on my games.
I tried the new webversion today where it works, so I’m wondering whats going on.

In Skill Plans, if I try to open Personal Plans I get

I open loglite and here is the messages

EXCEPTION #5 logged at 20/10/21 16:59:23 : 

Formatted exception info:

Common path prefix = c:/buildagent/work/d2d8a22a74178531/eve/release/release

Caught at:
<pre>/packages/bluepy/ CallWrapper
<pre>/packages/uthread2/ inner
<pre>/eve/client/script/ui/skillPlan/browser/ PopulateScroll
<pre>/eve/client/script/ui/skillPlan/browser/ _GetSkillPlans
<pre>/packages/skills/skillplan/ GetAllPersonal
<pre>/packages/skills/skillplan/ _PrimePersonalCache
<pre>/packages/skills/skillplan/grpc/ GetAll
<pre>/packages/skills/skillplan/grpc/message_bus/ get_all
<pre>/packages/skills/skillplan/grpc/message_bus/ send_request

Thrown at:
<pre>/packages/skills/skillplan/grpc/message_bus/ send_request
<pre>/carbon/common/stdlib/stacklesslib/ receive
self = <uthread2_plugins.stacklessimpl.QueueChannel object at 0x000000006C4211D8>

Thread Locals: session was <Session: (sid:8071928414783115716, clientID:0, mutating:0, contextOnly:False, locationid:30002385, corprole:0x0, userid:25061721, languageID:EN, role:0x6800040000000000L, charid:2119252802, address:, userType:30, sessionType:5, countryCode:FR, regionid:10000028, constellationid:20000350, corpid:1000171, shipid:1037445242423, structureid:1032097126596, solarsystemid:30002385, solarsystemid2:30002385, hqID:60014779, rolesAtAll:0x0, rolesAtHQ:0x0, rolesAtBase:0x0, rolesAtOther:0x0, genderID:False, bloodlineID:3, raceID:2)>
Stackhash: 2102845096

Reported from: stdlogutils
EXCEPTION #6 logged at 20/10/21 16:59:23 : User error, msg=SkillPlansErrorTimeout, dict=None

Formatted exception info:
UserError: User error, msg=SkillPlansErrorTimeout, dict=None

Common path prefix = c:/buildagent/work/d2d8a22a74178531/eve/release/release

Caught at:
<pre>/packages/bluepy/ CallWrapper
<pre>/packages/uthread2/ inner
<pre>/eve/client/script/ui/skillPlan/browser/ PopulateScroll
<pre>/eve/client/script/ui/skillPlan/browser/ _GetSkillPlans
<pre>/packages/skills/skillplan/ GetAllPersonal
<pre>/packages/skills/skillplan/ _PrimePersonalCache

Thrown at:
<pre>/packages/skills/skillplan/ _PrimePersonalCache
<pre>/packages/skills/skillplan/grpc/ GetAll
<pre>/packages/skills/skillplan/grpc/message_bus/ get_all
<pre>/packages/skills/skillplan/grpc/message_bus/ send_request
public_gateway = <eve.client.script.sys.publicGatewaySvc.PublicGatewaySvc object at 0x000000002E2F6D68>
request = 
request_class_name = 'eve_public.character.skill.plan.plan_pb2.GetAllRequest'
response_channel = <uthread2_plugins.stacklessimpl.QueueChannel object at 0x000000006C4211D8>
response_class = <class 'eve_public.character.skill.plan.plan_pb2.GetAllResponse'>
tException = TimeoutException()

Thread Locals: session was <Session: (sid:8071928414783115716, clientID:0, mutating:0, contextOnly:False, locationid:30002385, corprole:0x0, userid:25061721, languageID:EN, role:0x6800040000000000L, charid:2119252802, address:, userType:30, sessionType:5, countryCode:FR, regionid:10000028, constellationid:20000350, corpid:1000171, shipid:1037445242423, structureid:1032097126596, solarsystemid:30002385, solarsystemid2:30002385, hqID:60014779, rolesAtAll:0x0, rolesAtHQ:0x0, rolesAtBase:0x0, rolesAtOther:0x0, genderID:False, bloodlineID:3, raceID:2)>
Stackhash: -506416028

Reported from: stdlogutils

I start the game via proton 6.19 ge 2.1

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Not a solution but a work around, you could use EveMon in either Wine or a W10 VM (VirtualBox or KVM) on Linux. It has skill planning.

I am on Proton 5.0-10 and the skill plan seems to work but I don’t use it.

The idea was more about tracking bugs in the client on LInux :slight_smile:

Seems to be working on Proton 5.0-10 (Wine 5.0) (after copying the launcher pyd across).

I can create a plan, open the planner etc.

It seems fix after creating a new prefix

I have had this intermittently work and not work. On some days (for instance, yesterday) it works, on others (today) it throws the error shown in the OP.

Additionally, if this happens while tracking a personal skill plan, it will cause the Skills window to be very slow to open until you untrack the skill plan – I had to track a Certified Plan to get my personal one to untrack.

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