SKINR, CCP you need to fix this obvious flaw

Gonna make this brief. I purchased a SKIN for a friend as a gift. Tried to trade it to him and could not. So I tried to contract it to him and that didn’t work either. Petitioned it as an obvious bug. After waiting a few weeks the GMs told me that this was working as intended, you cannot purchase a SKIN from the SKINR store to give as a gift, and that I should post the issue here and contact the CSM.

Now for the brief rant: THIS is the kind of half-assed incomplete development idiocy that permeates pretty much everything you guys have done for the last few years. Surely it must have occurred to someone at CCP that people might want to buy these things for someone other than themselves, right?

This is a really minor thing. But for me it is just the latest example of one of your half-assed ideas poorly done.


maybe they wanted you to buy a skinr for yourself and not a friend…

Right? This whole idea of buying something for someone else is completely foreign to the Icelandic sprit. Gift … What’s that?

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That’s GMese for “go away”.

But you’re 100% right in that’s it’s such a silly oversight and lack of consideration, one of the reasons that when skinr was introduced I just stayed away from it, till they had time to fix and iterate. didn’t think it would take them this long.

That’s how I read it as well.

Ship SKINR>Collection>Unactivated SKINs>Pick SKIN you want to “gift”>Sell>Availability>Specific Target>Type in name>Price>ISK>Sell


I couldn’t even make my skin today. Skin required 26 plex after the 25% discount. Vault contained 26 plex - Skinr said I didn’t have enough plex. Decided to go do something else.

I believe it’s a problem with fractional PLEX after the discount (it’s a known issue). I think it would’ve been fixed - but I suspect the majority of the devs at CCP is probably away over the holidays.

It’s unfortunate - but maybe they’ll extend the 25% discount in lieu of this (I’ve put in a request in any event - both for a fix and extension).

Yes, I wondered this, bought another Plex, and it worked.