Skoli — online utils for EVE Online

(Subscribe my channel “skoli → en” in Telegram for news.)

Hi all,

About 13 years ago I’ve created an NPC damage types page. At the beginning it was just a compilation of info from different sources, and for very long time it was updated manually, and it was updated irregularly, and it was available only in Russian language, and it was totally abandoned since 2013.

But few months ago I revived my site, and the first thing I’ve rewritten (not speaking about rewriting the whole site engine from ground) is the NPC damages table. Now it updates itself automatically every time a new Static Data Export is published by CCP. And now it’s available in two languages: Russian and English. Also, it can show combined data for a race/faction as well as detailed info (i.e. Angel Cartel → Asteroid, or Serpentis → Mission, and so on).

Also, I have some other utils (listed below). All of them support both English and Russian languages, and if some of them depends on SDE, it also updates automatically. I will link only English versions, but you can switch the language by using language dropdown at the top navigation panel of a page if needed.

So, the utils:

I will be happy if the utils will help you, and I will be more than happy if you will have any suggestions about how to make them even better. I don’t have comments/forum on my site so far, so consider this topic to be an official support thread for them.


  • @Damilola_Karpow — an idea about showing recommended items in the NPC damages types.

Updated the “NPC damages” table.

  • Updated SDE to 20211013
  • Added info about the “AIR” faction which appeared in the new SDE
  • Now unpublished dogma attributes are ignored. As a result, many factions lost the “Electronic War Immunity” label from the “Possible Electronic Warfare” column
  • Rogue Drones (All)
    • Preferred resistance to use:
      • Kinetic 31 → 34
      • Explosive 27 → 25
      • EM 22 → 26
  • Rogue Drones (Roaming)
    • Preferred resistance to use
      • EM 25 → 36
      • Thermal 25 → 24
      • Kinetic 25 → 20
      • Explosive 25 → 20
    • Preferred damage to deal
      • EM 74 → 73
      • Explosive 74 → 75

Got some feedback in Russian section, and updated NPC damage types table accordingly. The “Preferred damage to deal” column is updated for all factions (see changes on attached image).

Also, SDE was updated at Nov 2nd, but the update did not affect any data in utils.

A small update:

  • Imported SDE version 20211207
  • Ore Refining Table has new reprocessing skills. In the 19.11 # 2021-12-07.1 patch EVE Online developers have replaced ore-sort skills by ore-tier skills

Added item database.

Imported SDE version 20220308. The AIR section of the NPC damage types table has updated the “Preferred damage to deal” column:

  • Explosive damage: 75 → 77
  • EM damage: 78 → 75
  • Thermal damage: 75 → 74
  • Kinetic damage: 72 → 74

This topic was automatically closed 90 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.

Imported SDE version 2023-06-19

Updated Ore refining table: Nesosilicate Rakovene is changed:

  • Volume: 16 → 0.5
  • Tritanium: 40,000 → 1,500
  • Isogen: 3,200 → 120
  • Zydrine: 200 → 7
  • Neo-Jadarite: 0 → 65

Also, added new mineral column for Neo-Jadarite.

Improved design of the “NPC damage types” page. Also, added a “Recommended items” button in the “Preferred damage to deal” section for each mentioned damage type. It opens a panel with some recommended items to use. Right now it has only one group for Combat Drones recommendations, but I will add more items a bit later.

Added some more groups of recommended items to the NPC damage table. Now it has 11 groups and 62 sub-groups.

  • Combat Drones
  • Fighters
  • Projectile Ammo
  • Hybrid Ammo
  • Laser Crystals
  • Torpedoes
  • Rockets
  • Cruise Missiles
  • Light Missiles
  • Heavy Missiles
  • Bombs

Loaded data from SDE 20231115

Changes to NPC damage types

  • Added “Angel Cartel → Insurgency” subsection
  • Angel Cartel (general)
    • Preferred resistance to use
      • em 15 → 13
      • thermal 9 → 8
      • kinetic 41 → 42
      • explosive 36 → 37
    • Preferred damage to deal
      • em 68 → 69
      • explosive 82 → 81
    • Possible Electronic Warfare: added Warp Disrupting
  • Added “Guristas → Insurgency” subsection
  • Guristas (general)
    • Preferred damage to deal
      • em 68 → 69
      • kinetic 82 → 81
    • Possible Electronic Warfare: added Warp Disrupting
  • Added “Mordu’s Legion → Insurgency” subsection
  • Mordu’s Legion (general)
    • Preferred resistance to use
      • kinetic 35 → 36
      • em 11 → 10
    • Preferred damage to deal
      • kinetic 77 → 76
      • explosive 76 → 75
      • em 72 → 74
    • Possible Electronic Warfare
      • added Target Painting
      • added Warp Disrupting
      • added Energy Neutralizing
  • Added “Upwell Consortium” (Anti-insurgency) section

As an experiment, I’m accepting donations which will help me to complete developing of R&D calculator (post on Boosty).

Just in case, donations do not unlock any early access to the calculator. When it’s completed, it will be available for everybody without limits. Before that, it’s available to nobody including people who send donations.

Loaded data from SDE 2023-12-14

Changes to NPC damage types:

  • Angel Cartel → [TOTALS] → Preferred resistance to use
    • Thermal 8 → 9
    • Kinetic 42 → 41
  • Angel Cartel → Insurgency → Preferred resistance to use
    • EM 5 → 8
    • Thermal 5 → 9
    • Kinetic 48 → 43
    • Explosive 42 → 48

Created a new utility, EVE Prices. It’s a regular web page, it has simple interface, and it’s pretty friendly to mobile devices and small screens.

In this app you can:

  • Navigate through all market groups (folder-like style).
  • Use browser’s back/forward buttons to change navigation position — spent some time to make sure it works well.
  • See buy/sell orders for an item in a chosen region (there’s a selector at top right corner).
  • Use different URLs to open different items/groups right away (for example, the Veldspar page). Useful for sharing or adding to bookmarks.
  • Add groups/items to app’s bookmarks (app’s bookmarks are stored in browser’s localStorage, so they are available if you close page and return to the app later).
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Added “Market Prices” feature to the EVE Online Database. If an item is presented on in-game market, you are able to check its current buy/sell orders. “Base Info” block → “Market Prices” row → click the “Show” button to activate. Example: Veldspar page.

Some time ago I started developing a feature called “Main Value”. Some items have narrow purpose which may be described using a number. For example, Mining Lasers may be described by some “Mining per Second” value. Some other types of items may have their own main characteristics. You can see their “Main Value” when they are in some lists in the DB. Cannot say how much groups of items show main values right now, but it should be not less than a hundred. If you think I have missed some groups and if you can describe how to calculate main values for items in the groups, just drop a note and I will add them as well.

:arrow_right: Loaded data from SDE version 2024-02-27.

:arrow_right: Added a new util: Compare EVE Items. You can add up to 3 items to compare them side-by-side.

Created a Telegram channel “skoli → en”. Subscribe for latest news and updates related to Skoli.

Updated Ore Refining Table. Now you can customize Net Yield percentage by creating your own schemas. Also, you can change amount of each ore to adjust output for your current situation.