Slow game... Quick death

I was wandering around in my FW alt and met OP, we talked a bit and discussed about his fits, just after I saw this thread, what are the chances lol.

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If you have no particular aim: The Magic 14 - EVE University Wiki - the fiver, the better :wink:
But well, most times someone proposes/asks for a ship or fleet setup, you just skill for that setup (e.g. “Arti Cane” doctrine => Minmatar BC and Medium Projectile Weapons) or you want to try Gas mining or Cloaking or Leadership or learn Logi… You’ll always find something to skill up.

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Oh yes, I did mean to spend some time over at eveuniversity. Thank you for the timely reminder and the link.
I can spend an hour just exploring what all the skills do and what they’re about. So much depth. That’s not counting the implants and boosters.

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