Small Corp Looking to Expand With Other Corps, Members, ETC

We are a small Corp of only 6 very active members who like to do 3 things more than anything, make ISK, friends, and fun. Any player or Corp, wether alpha or omega, newbie or veteran, combative or industrial, who wants to be a part of a Corp from the ground floor, has come to the right place. Our Corp has a c3 wormhole although we are moving back to k-space until we get more members, 3 and soon to be 4 of our pilots can fly capitals and we have 2 dreads and a carrier. We also have a astrhaus, athanor, and ritaru. So send us a message if you or your Corp is interested.

pm’d you ingame


Find me sounds like it would benefit you to join Right Click Jump To.

Find me on discord and I’ll tell you everything I can offer rangerwolfy#4987

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