Smartbomb Gate camp

CCP has done something about it. You have multiple options available to avoid or destroy gatecamps, don’t blame CCP for your failure to use them.

@ CCP you could master some kind of NPC reaction to people who sit around in a system and just camp the hell out of it.

Never going to happen in nullsec. That is player controlled space, any security players want is for them to provide.


as all other posters already replied, learn to counter smartbomb gatecamps by yourself, it is not hard (fit correctly your ship, use bookmarked pings, use celestials to land from a non predictable angle, travel through alternative ways, bring friends to break the gatecamp, etc)
harden the ■■■■ up, instead of asking CCP to do something. This is a pvp sandbox game.

“please CCP make MTUs able to drag only the non-empty wrecks in abyssal to spare us some time”
“please CCP make warp travel instantaneous i don’t like to spend time traveling”
“please CCP make areas without any pvp possible to protect those who don’t like pvp”
now “please PVP send NPCs to break smartbombing gate camps”



In null at least, rats already come to the gate and are annoying for smartbombers (or sometimes even small roams) to deal with. Pretty much the gate rats sit at longer than bomb range and shoot you. Then if you move closer to bomb them that puts you out of alignment with your target gate. So then you have to ask someone else to come shoot the rats, reship and kill them yourself, or bring an alt to kill them.

I’m just spitballing here, as I am by no means a pro (funny that we live in an era with professional gamers). You may want to stick an alt in that system. That’ll be your scout. If you’re able to lock down the roach’s pattern of life, you may be able to predict his/her movements and travel when the system is clear. Or, you could make friends and scout for each other. If you suck at being social, then multi box. Another option is to learn to PVP and beat these asshats at their own game. I’m not a fan of that option. I deal with enough stress and confrontation IRL. I would rather avoid fake stress whenever possible.

All stress is fake stress.

Von meinen Corpmitgliedern und unseren befreundeten Corps, bin ich vermutlich der einzige welcher so viel pvp roamt wie kein anderer. Dies bedeutet, dass ich sehr oft die Systeme wechseln muss. Da seit einigen Tagen die Kapseln gelootet werden können, ist es nur logisch, dass man an einem x-beliebigen Gate in eine Smartbomb gerät.
Diese daraus folgende automatisch entstehende Spielmechanik ist er Grund mich unverzüglich von EVE Online zu verabschieden und die Zahlungen der beiden Accounts zu stornieren.
Für mich ist dies zu vergleich, wenn ich im echten Leben in die Ferien fliegen möchte und am Flughafen eine Bombe detoniert. Dies wird alles verändern, so dass niemand mehr fliegen möchte und in seinem eigenen System “gefangen” ist oder nur noch mit grossen Fleets operieren kann. Dies ist nicht mehr das EVE Online welches ich spielen möchte.

WUT :crazy_face:

Do you not sprechen Deutsch?

Well me either, but if you really wanted to know I hear Google has a decent translator… course, based on what you’ve written, it doesn’t appear as though you speak English either :expressionless:


Considering 99.9% of all posts are in English maybe the translation should have been the other way around eh… :stuck_out_tongue:

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