So here we go again

So what?

Same eve with other ships…

Its not the same though, and we would all just be using identical setups that had no counters, its the reason why most ships were nerfed and why the stacking penalty was added, there was no gameplay choice that a player could make to deal with those situations, we’re talking about ships that couldn’t be caught, ships that you couldn’t get away from, ships you couldn’t even engage because their weapons had no actual counter

You really don’t want situations like that and had they not made those changes the game would be long dead so you wouldn’t be playing any EVE at this point

So you might say “so what” but when you’re a multiplayer game you have to deal with cases of players abusing the mechanics of the game, pure and simple

It is interesting where you draw the line - cruise Kestrels and insta-lock battleships, etc. were clearly not intended, clearly broken, but then you have stuff like large cap batteries or 1600 plate on cruisers, etc.

In this case its just a legacy naming scheme, we used to have micro cap batteries but those were trash even on frigates so nobody used them and CCP eventually removed them but never bothered to adjust the names, they are “large” in name only as CCP never bothered to add a BS specific battery, the larges don’t even provide enough on their own to make them that useful

The 1600mm plates are basically in the same boat because we have really small plates that serve no actual purpose and CCP never really bothered to make anything bigger for BS specifically, that being said it used to be possible to fit a capital weapon on a battleship if you spent enough money so size limitations on things that aren’t weapons is pretty moot at this point outside of preventing capital sized modules from being fit on smaller ships

Agree 100%, the constant nerfing is just a way to stop developing the game.
How about CCP add new content to counter what some people are complaining about as being overpowered instead of nerfing existing content…

Why go to nullsec? For safer than high sec mining and ratting. You are moaning about Low sec having greater reward despite the fact that is magnitudes more dangerous than null sec. That is the essence of balance, the greater the risk then the greater the reward should be.

So you think creating something else overpowered to counter the first overpowered thing, then something else overpowered+1 to counter the counter… Is a good model for an MMO…?

CCP obviously thinks so :wink: i.e. Triglavian.

It doesn’t have to be a direct counter it can be new content that works better with ships that are currently underused so as to make for a more varied experience and sometimes it is just some slight tweaks to other underused ships or modules to make them situationally better than whatever has risen to the top, etc.

no its just a random rant … he is dissatisfied with the overall situation … nothing to think about for ISDs, GMs or other CCP Guys :wink:


In your world maybe…in the real world things like this matter,because it shows that resources were wasted to a part of the game that is seemingly senseless to the core,because it never ends.
If you stop today nothing would change or to speak it out clear nothing really has changed since you started.
There was always the one that was pissed after the last nerf and this results in starting the circle of demands all over again.

As i said nerf demands are just about greed and envy,not about a serious problem as long as ANYBODY could fly ANY ship in this game it’s just about laziness and the unwill to change your own course in the game…

It’s easier to demand a nerf than to train a different ship type and that’s the bottom line…

This topic has served it’d purpose. Closed.