Why are you arguing with an obvious narcisist? There’s no point, you’re just feeding.
I enjoy it. He comes up with the weirdest arguments.
I mean, the arguments seem good, until you poke at it.
Well, there are newcomers who ask how to they “catch up to the vets” or complain about the game being so old they’ll never be able to compete, but in my view that just comes from a place of ignorance and not understanding the scope of EVE and how different it is from other MMOs, in which racing to the endgame ia king. Once they actually start playing, it’s mostly what you said.
…Or they’re all actually old players who are pushing this view to get quickly skillable alts. /tinfoil
I think Aiko is a narcisist and that is a attribute Frostpacker seeks in a leader.
But that isn’t true. If it were, how did you undock?
But then how am I to learn? I need the basics 101 before I can grasp the topics in the advanced class. What am I going to do with a Cruiser when I don’t even know how to fit a Destroyer?
I’m only held back by my own IQ and time available.
I disagree with you on everything in your OP. I don’t want to be given anything because it will not help at all! It would only spoil me to not learn anything and wait for more handouts instead of playing the game and learn and find my place.
Also, posting as all new players isn’t cool. Speak for yourself.
Play on!!
And you do it so well…
Mechanics needs to be trained up to fit T2 Armor Repairers.
Hull Upgrades needs to be trained up to fit T2 Armor Plates and T2 Damage Controls.
Shield Operation needs to be trained up to fit T2 Shield Boosters.
Shield Management needs to be trained up to fit T2 Shield Boost Amplifiers.
Capacitor Management needs to be trained up to fit T2 Micro Auxiliary Power Cores.
Capacitor Systems Operation needs to be trained up to fit T2 Cap Boosters or make a ship fit cap stable.
Long Range Targeting needs to be trained up to fit T2 Sensor Boosters.
Navigation needs to be trained up to fit T2 Heavy Warp Scramblers.
Evasive Maneuvering needs to be trained up to fit T2 Heavy Stasis Grapplers.
Warp Drive Operation needs to be trained up to fit T2 Warp Core Stabilizers.
Along with Spaceship Command, a lot of those skills need to be trained up to pilot other ships. But yeah, those aren’t fitting skills at all…
Heh, physician, heal thyself…
When people talk about fitting skills they generally talk about these: Fitting skills - EVE University Wiki
The skills you mention are indeed requirements for certain modules, but don’t help you fit your ship better, i.e. they do not make better use of the CPU or PG the ship has.
Seems I misinterpreted what you wrote about fitting skills if you meant something else than ‘fitting skills’ every time you mentioned ‘fitting skills’. My bad, sorry.
and with that sh*t range and meta-modules, he will become the hero tackle/mvp of the fleet by suicide-tackling things because he cant lock past scram range anyway
*its what you can do, not what you can’t
Woah ! I’m fine with the 50m ISK, but why should brand new noobs suddenly get handed more SP than some of my Omega chars have accumulated in 18 months ? Even dividing out the SP evenly among 3 chars only gives about 12m SP per char over that time…so if a ‘main’ is getting most of the SP then the other two are likely to be well below 10m SP. Why should some noob suddenly come along and jump ahead of characters that have existed for a year and a half ?
Here’s an experiment for ccp to conduct: put a very new hire - without any experience of EvE - into a ship of his/her choice, with all possible skills, mods, implants and boosters, and order your freshly minted, naieve and anonymous pilot to go out and survive.
You know what’s going to happen, we all know it.
If you only have 10M SP after a year and a half, you are doing EVE wrong.
That said, it’s a concept I came up with. If the broad strokes work, then you can focus on the details. But like that Amatin guy, you cherry pick a few words, take them out of context, and focus all your anger on them.
So how about instead of manufactured rage, you make some positive suggestions?
Mr Epeen
No, you haven’t grasped the point. Altara has 25m SP. My other two Omega chars both have under 10m SP…precisely because I devoted most of the SP to Altara.
So of course I’m not going to be happy if some noob comes along and all of a sudden has 10m SP that my other two chars have waited a year and a half to get their hands on. There’s nothing ‘manufactured’ about any rage. If there’s 10m SP to be handed out for free…my other chars should get that too.
You say this, and yet i have personally known people who have quit over this exact reason. They weren’t willing to invest months or even years in order to have a fair shot in PvP. And explaining to them that it’s a group game and doesn’t matter didn’t work. They didn’t want to be in that position.
And to be fair, they are somewhat correct. I see corporations all the time setting SP limits. 50mil, 100mil, 150mil and a Dread alt, they might make an exception but it is still out there. Cutting a few weeks off the bottom end of a new player’s multi year climb damn sure isnt gonna hurt any of us. But eliminating silly ■■■■ so he can get right into training exciting things like guns and ships might just keep him invested.
There are also people who quit EVE because it has PvP. Or because it doesn’t offer us the chance to dogfight in space.
Does that mean EVE should be changed to give those people what they want? Or should EVE stay true to it’s core gameplay and focus on what it does well?
EVE is a game that rewards long term planning, and if a player isn’t interested in playing a game long-term but wants something else, like instant. action. now.
… does CCP really need to fundamentally change EVE we all enjoy playing, just to cater to those people? Or should those players find another game that’s more up their alley?
Is the issue that these people who quit could not compete in any PvP or is it that they felt like they could not fly super carriers and titans in massive battles and bring down the power blocks that be?
It is just not true that new bros can’t have fun in PvP off the bat. With a million skill points specialized in a particular frigate new players can have fun, and occasionally get kills. Yes, they are going to die more often than not, and they are going to have to run from match ups that they just can’t compete against, but that is the way it is in any MMO with open world PvP.
The fact that you know people that did not want to put in the time and energy to learn how to win fights in EVE does not surprise me. I have friends that like the idea of EvE, but find it a lot more tedious than first person shooter style games and consider it too much like a job to play EvE.
From my experience of trying to get friends like that to join me in EvE, they will always be unhappy with the way EvE plays and giving them twenty million free skill points and half a dozen battle ships will just raise the bar because there are people with a fifty million skill points and faction battle ships. Giving these friends sixty million skill points and faction battle ships will just raise the bar another level, and they will complain about not having a million skill points and dreadnoughts. This process will not end because at the heart of the matter, they don’t want to play EvE, they want to play a hybrid of World of Warships and World of Warcraft set in space.
To make these people happy you are going to have to change EvE into something that is no longer EvE, and will drive away the majority of the people that love EvE right now.
I am not saying that a game like this will be a bad game, or that it can’t succeed. I am just asking that you go try to make that game, and don’t change EvE into something that it is not, because I love EvE, and personally I don’t think I would like that game.
I am currently playing a new Gadget-clone through the tutorial, and I keep expecting Aura to tell me “This is the Way”.
–Gadget needs a helmet
New players deserve nothing. No help. No handouts. No freebies. No nothing. If you want to help them, you can do it your own expense.
I do.
Mr Epeen
Ok then, no need for changes.
I quite like this idea , they could even sell race/ship and job orientated packs.
Example : could be a caldari hauler you get a explanations for fittings for the ships and there use and maybe an explanation of what to do , where to find work etc.
This could fit the need of some gamers who need instant action with the ability to just jump into a play style
Maybe something in bio to say using the above example that this character is locked as a caldari hauler for a set time