So Meh

lets take a look :slight_smile: just for fun โ€ฆ

your first thread about your shitty conection :wink:
How stable is Eve for everyone? - Communications Center / General Discussion - EVE Online Forums

your second thread about your shitty conection :wink:
Getting so pissed off with DC-ing, is anyone else getting DC-ed regularly? - Communications Center / General Discussion - EVE Online Forums

and now you have opened your 3rd thread about YOUR shitty conection xD

i play eve since 2012 and my last disconect was back 2021 and it was my fault not CCPยดs !

so it looks like youre conection is shitty ( i know ive repeated this a few times xD ) and your not able to solve this problem โ€ฆ

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