So today I got a well deserve gank by safety

I too don’t know what happened ofc, but I can share what happened to me:

I would sometimes mine when figuring out a plan or waiting at a POS with another character etc. This was before the NPC infestation of asteroid belts. I haven’t mined since.

When I was mining with an Orca and a Skiff, I noticed a destroyer inbound on D-scan. So I woke up and got ready.
It landed 10KM out and… cloaked. I figure for a warp-in after slowly creeping its way up to my ships.

Here’s when things stop being relevant for the OP, but to finish a story:

I just came out of a 3 year tour of duty in null-sec. So what do you do there to prepare for inbound trouble? Exactly; shoot the wrecks. Don’t leave easy warp to’s in your vicinity…
Long story short: Doing that in H-sec with wrecks from other people makes CODE and friends obsolete.
I believe there’s a safety feature these days? :slight_smile: :rofl:


There is a quite a bit wrong with your post, the thing is that you do not need to shoot wrecks in hisec, you just use a salvager on them which works if there is nothing else in them which is often the case with hisec rats. If there is something in them, then you can bring in a character in something cheap and fast to take the cans, he will go FY but that is fine. Do not use your Orca or skiff though…

You said you used an Orca and a Skiff, the Orca using mining drones to add to the yield will sit close to a roid and if you are using the cargo capacity of the Orca to hold ore from the skiff you will have to sit close to the Orca and thus close to a roid which can be warped to. With shared bookmarks all they have to do is come in with something cloaky, locate the roid, save to that folder, wait a short period for the BM to appear for everyone and then warp to it. It might take a little bit of brain work to work out where best to warp in from but even gankers can work that out. :stuck_out_tongue:

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There’s quite a bit wrong with your post. The thing is you never really have to shoot wrecks in h-sec. It’s just poor gameplay. It can cost you 2 very nice ships infact.

You said I used an Orca and the Skiff with the mining drones out. That is not true. Me remembering to deploy drones happens 50% of the time at best.

This happened before npc rats other than beltrats. That’s too long ago to really care what really happened.

Sorry about the snarky retort, but I don’t like your post. It smells of you “explaining” something not worth or wanted explaining.

Still with regards,


That is what I said, I suggested that you salvage them or bring in another character in something fast and scoop so you don’t get concorded, but then went on to point out that the cloaky scout can now just BM the roid to a shared folder so what you suggested is worthless anyway. What is it about this forum that everyone you reply to decides not to read what you wrote? Reading and comprehension is so difficult for many Eve players.

You advice and example fails to understand the use of the Orca even in its reduced state.

Diamond rats don’t drop loot so salvaging them clears them no hassle.

That was what your post was and it was like many posts in these forums, incorrect at best.

Regards back to you.

That’s what he does :smiley: He has condescending trained to 5, but he often doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

LOL. Keep it up bruv. Keep driving those homies away.

@Githany_Red, this here what I’m talking about it. Its ok tho. Keep on letting you bro do this. It only hurts your movement.


Its a “zero width non-breaking space”

you can copy it from that wiki table “width box” column and paste many times in the post. Then it looks like its empty.

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“⁠word joiner” works too

I was saying that Destiny’s posting had improved a bit, but now I know why… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Can also “<“hide”>” like .

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That doesnt really sound like it was well deserved.

On the other hand, warping to a upwell structure and then going to get another beer and a bite to eat, before making sure that the ship was actually tethered to the station , then coming back 20 mins later to find yourself ganked ??

Now that is a well deserved gank, especially since the reason for the non tethering was that the station was abandoned.

This happened to a friend of mine, definetly not an alt of mine.

The only possible gripe my friend had, not my alt, is the apparent ease that permaflashy people can move around in high sec. Just rock up in your pod at an Orca, jump into a Catalyst and off you warp to the target.

I mean any decent Faction security force should be at least following these crims around in thier pods.
Its not like they have a shortage or ships, they are all farting around in big circles at stations and stargates


Your post made me laugh, most of all because Eve is player torture by CCP design and this is a feature.


No one “thanks” other people for taking or destroying something of theirs.

@Gix_Firebrand @Aiko_Danuja

Hey guys post your year-end video links. You know, inquiring minds.

CCP math seems a little wonky. I’ve apparently spent two days in fleet for every day of the year. I sell more than I buy, but I’m operating at a loss.



@Gix_Firebrand, what happened??? Anyone see Gix??

Hm? I don’t even know how to find that LOL.

@Gix_Firebrand - Happy New Yew

Its always nice to enter into the new year with a stalker :smiley:

They count your alts too so if you multibox a lot you can spend more days in fleet than there are days in the year.

About operating at a loss, I think they might have compared your total wallet now with last year?

I was several billion negative on that point, but my wallet this year is indeed rather empty compared to last year… but my assets went up.

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